Monday, October 10, 2011

...Before you go...

Before you go there are somethings I want you to know. You have inspired me! You have taught me so many things over the years. You have loved me and accepted me and forgiven me over the years and for that I will always be grateful. You have been a woman of joy and grace, a woman that has lived out faith before me.

You loved my kids and started for first 3 of them out on their first Bible Stories. I think their love for Jesus may very well have started setting at your feet in Sunday School.

Because of you I can make apple butter, jelly, canned tomatoes, canned green beans and can even short of make a baby quilt now.

I'll always remember you when Scott gets stressed and says, "Well Sugar", or when my grand kids ask for a cookie from the cookie jar and when I think of heaven.

I pray in these last days and hours you know just how loved you and the legacy of love and godliness you leave behind in each of us.

I just had to say it before you go. I love you Maw maw

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Weddings, babies and the future...

I have put off a post about my baby's wedding...I can't really say why. It has been a very odd feeling...her getting married and leaving the nest...I'm still not sure I'll find the words to express the emotions that I've had...she was the last of my girls to be home with me...and I believe we are great friends...I miss giggling with her at night...talking about the Lord with her...and watching her excitment for life in general...while I miss those things that I hold very dear to my is as if...this has been her destiny all along and so her being with Thomas is a very natural thing...I've shed no tears...(not that I haven't thought about it)...I look forward to their future together...does it sound crazy to say this feels like wearing a comfortable pair of warm just is...and is suppose to be...

Cassie called last week and shared the news with us that we will be grandparents again in May...this will be #4 for them....and before anyone says WOW to me...remember I also have is a great number...that way there doesn't have to be a middle child (Yeah for Landy!!!) I look forward to this one as much as I did for Ayden...the first one...already wondering what it will be...who it will look like...and praying it will act like Cassie...cause the others  sure don't!!!! What this one will do for the know all the important questions...