Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Why can't the words come easier???

I've needed to write for sometime now but the words simply will not come...I'm not sure why I feel the need to write, but, it is like refreshing my soul to see more clearly what God is teaching my in my everyday life when I can see the words...and I also know that since the words are written down I can look back and see the marks the Lord has place in and on my life...marks I need to be reminded of when I have those days when He feels so far away or maybe even not there at all...the marks remind me...He is ALWAYS here...

Have you ever experienced one of those times in you life where you feel like you are just going through the motions...maybe even feeling  a bit numb while you are doing it? I think that is the best way I can describe life lately for me...and yet...we have been studying the life of of my favorite life events in the Bible...his brothers sold him into slavery at a very young age...and yet...God was with him...and Joseph trusted God...and Joseph was blessed...he was actually put in charge of much of his master's house...and life was indeed, worth living and trusting God...and then the master's wife told a terrible lie about Joseph which led to him being imprisoned...for many years...even there...Joseph lived for the Lord...if he had days of feeling numb we don't know about them...he just lived and trusted...ultimately God's entire purpose was should read the event if you never have...Joseph is a true picture of a man how loved the Lord...trusted Him completely...and never became bitter because He was able to see life was not about himself but about the Lord and His redemptive can find the account of Joseph in Genesis chapters 37-47

And we are in the year 2015...not in prison...still with some freedom...and able to worship without fear every Sunday and Wednesday in my local to share the truth of Christ without fear of being beaten or I feel numb...the answer is very simple...when I feel numb and I feel like the Lord is further away that I'd like Him to be...I realize...I'm the one who moved...God never left my side...but I took my eyes off of Him...moved just a bit in another direction...and before I knew it I had moved further than I ever wanted to go...the good news...He is right behind me...all I needed to do was turn and there He was...the ENTIRE time!!!! I'm so thankful for the Lord...He is what gives me hope...He IS the hope of this world...the only HOPE of this world...and He has called my name...has He called yours?

One of our questions this week in our study and actually a few weeks ago what do you love to do...and what if...what you LOVE to do is part of what God will use in your life as a way of sharing or investing in others lives...Well...tonight I get be a part of one of the things I Love...which is to standing in a room full of students and share what Jesus has and is doing in my life...I LOVE that...and I stand amazed that God allows me that opportunity on a weekly basis...

I've never thought about my passions and interests being the very avenues that God may use to open doors for me...I mean...yes I SHOULD have known that...but when life is going in and day out and it becomes mundane and you become numb...then you forget...this is were God has me planted for now...and my eyes to the needs around a willing vessel to be used as opportunities willing to walk Joseph did...realizing there is nothing about this walk that is about forever has been and will be about the Lord...should that makes feel like a nothing? By no means...the Lord of Lord and the King of Kings...allows us to be part of His pictures!

I'm so thankful for the life lessons He teaches me...I hope and pray that if I'm still here at 95...He will still teach and I will still be willing to hear...listen and submit...

Serving Him...intentionally...