What a time the last few weeks have been!!! I think it has felt almost like I was in the back ground watching life become very hectic around me and yet I'm right in the middle of it! This year is finding to be the most different year of our lives...possible, except for the "year" that changed our families life forever, this year has changed me and my outlook on life the most...
The summer Cassie and Jesse married, Heather graduated high school, went on a trip to Thailand/Cambodia and moved to college. Within 2 days of each other, both my two older girls were for the most part gone from my nest. This year has been much the same, with Heather marrying and becoming a mom and then Cassie moving so very far away. As much as we moms hate to walk thru this time of life, God has aloud me to learn so much about Him and what we are truly on this earth for!!! I've watched God turn a situation in our lives that was very difficult into something very sweet and beautiful thru Donnie and Heather's lives...lessons in brokenness, forgiveness and new starts...I remember a testimony I heard years ago and how God turns ashes into beauty...I just remember that years ago Heather even sang that song for a special at church...this year began with the birth of our sweet twin grand babies Rylee and Caleb! They came 5 weeks early and I think their house was crazy for several months....now mom and dad are accustomed to craziness, and while grammy is accustomed to it...babies going to different directions at the same time is WOW! (watch out for when they start crawling!!) I see to people who have truly waited a life time for each other become a family...who's heart desire is to raise beautiful babies who will love the Lord...what more could a grammy ask!
Then Cassie, February came and we found out they would be leaving...and I was mad at first for about 1 week...then God reminded me that it isn't about me or as bad as I hated to hear it...it wasn't about my family either...it was about Him and His honor and His glory...and I have come to the conclusion that it IS a privilege to watch Him use our family for His glory! I've watched Jesse and Cassie's home also grow, numerically this year but spiritually like never before...I see Jesse each time they visit stretch in new way and I have watched Cassie grow as a mom and a christian young woman...the last time they were here my sweet boys didn't want grammy to do things for them but rather their momma who now gets to be with them full time...all good things...
I have watch my son also change in huge ways this year...simply with deciding this was his last full year of school and just being young and hanging out with friends to having a person come into his life in the passed few months that I believe will become a huge mentor in his life and is already a great friend and for that I am very thankful...all of which are a great gift from God...at Christmas of 2004 I remember thinking as I looked as Cassie and Jesse setting on our couch....I wonder what this year will bring and in my bones I felt we would experience something great and that following mother's day we found out we would be grandparents for the first time! and then just after Christmas 2007 I told Heather that story and that I didn't know what it would be...her future husband...or a new direction...whatever it was....I felt 2008 was going to be her year and sure enough just before you birthday the following march Donnie joined us...now I don't think I'm psychic...psycho maybe...and again I don't know what it will be but I do believe 2010 is his year...
and our Katie, has found the one she feels will be her mate for life...they have a while to wait for marriage but if things continue on they will marry the in 2011 and again we will be changed and yet have another son in our lives that we already love very much...
Our exchange son is a sweet heart as well...I must admit I probably would have picked a girl again and if Michael had not insisted on NO MORE HORMONES...I would have chosen a girl...I am soooo glad I didn't...just like Amy, our lives have been forever changed because Gastao is part of it! I dreamed last night he asked Jesus into his heart and WHEN that happens it will be a dream come true...
I've never been a good momma who can say with words out of her mouth just how much my children mean to me but I am saying to each one of you...the ones I gave birth to...I love you each one so very much. I know in the worlds eyes success comes in many forms but NOT in what we (your dad and I have) but in our eyes we have seen God do great things in each of your lives and we know now that b/c you live for HIM you have already reached success, you have already found the meaning of live and your purpose to be here....and to those of you I have not given birth to, Jesse, Amy, Donnie and Gastao (and thomas) I love you and I am blessed b/c you are part of us...
for my grand babies, well I learned to not take them for granted and I tell them more that I love them and I DOOOOOOOO so much! So with all that said (I know ALOT) our lives have changed so much with just these dynamics...life at church has also been very hard this year and our hearts have been broken this year for many reason but I think the main one for me is that we put a blemish on the body of Christ...the "world" or community around us I know watched and heard things this year and I know they must think...why would we need what they have??? But God...two of the greatest words in the Bible...loved us and is restoring us...He has blessed us with a pastor who loves HIM so much and desires to see Jesus lifted high! A man who is humble and gentle and who, I believe, God will use to lead Emmanuel for many years to come...all for the glory of God...and his family...WOW...kindred spirits that's all I can say...
yesterday we had friends and family day at the church and I was OVER WHELMED at the goodness of God...we had I believe the largest Sunday morning crowd at Emmanuel today and God over exceeded our goal by 20! We had 3 baptistisms...the Gospel...shared and amazing fellowship all day long....last night we had our annual Christmas party and I was reminded again of the gift that God has given the body at emmanuel thru genuine love for one another...for knowing we are family...this morning, as I write this...I am in awe of HIM...I just cannot for the life of me fathom why He would love us, me so lavishly...take my brokenness and restore it...allow me to see my kids loving HIM and serving Him in their own individual ways. Growing Spiritually...there was a time I thought I'd never see that because of damage I'd done...there are many people who turn their backs on God with the excuse of what others had done...and believe me...I gave my kids that excuse...but God (there are those words again) brought total restoration...if you haven't experienced that please let me share this with you...don't miss out on this life with HIM...it is wild!!!
All our kids will be home for Christmas this year and with all the changes this year...I just say Christmas feels very different...like I've finally see what Christmas is really all about...I also have a niece that has moved in the last year and a half and of course my brother Steve, is always on my mind, knowing that they have given so much for the call to follow the Lord...Christmas is about Christ. That's it...and the greatest gift beyond Jesus is the gift of the people He has put in our individual lives...so I must admit the two things I'm looking most forward to this year is....our candlelight service Christmas eve...a time to focus on the Lord and the gift of Jesus Christ...and then Christmas day...after we've been to nanny and papas and grandma and poppas...and we come home...just Scott and I and our children and grandchildren...just that sweet time of us...I love you all, my family and friends and I pray God will bless you beyond anything you could ever imagine this season...
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Good Thanksgiving
We had...to quote a great guy..."wonderful" thanksgiving this year. God truly blessed us...when Cassie and Jesse left this summer...she told me she would be here for thanksgiving but I just had my doubts that Christmas and Thanksgiving would be a possiblity but God worked it our and they arrived last Wednesday late...we had a great visit with a house full of grandbabies all week...while I'll admit grammy is a little on the tired side...it was great! I love seeing the changes in Cassie's boys and watching then and the twins play together...Miss Rylee thought Ayden Parker was the bomb...the first whole day they were together..I think she crawled a mile...following him around the house...and with him have the experience of being a big brother he was pretty patient with her!!! The girls and I got to have some good mom/daughter times shopping and cooking together...Donnie and Heather made us all dinner on Wednesday before thanksgiving and it was good even if bambi no longer has a mother. Thanksgiving day was also a good day...although Cassie and Jesse went to see his family...something they've done since they were married...it was a good day. Scott's parents were with us for the first time I think...and my parents...my mom and tucker and my dad...my brother Kevin, betty and sam...donnie, heather and the twins and donnie's parent who I love very much...and later in the day we had even more come!!! Quite the house full...it's been a long time and I enjoyed having the house full again...good food/family/friends and fellowship...
I have posted some pictures of our week...my sweet kids and grandbabies...my house is a little to quite now but even as a I write those words...God places these on my heart...I think they are in Romans 10 ...how will they hear if they have no preacher and how will they hear if no one goes...that is my translation but you get my point...God's calling is way bigger than a momma's heart and God's calling is sufficient...have a great week...

I have posted some pictures of our week...my sweet kids and grandbabies...my house is a little to quite now but even as a I write those words...God places these on my heart...I think they are in Romans 10 ...how will they hear if they have no preacher and how will they hear if no one goes...that is my translation but you get my point...God's calling is way bigger than a momma's heart and God's calling is sufficient...have a great week...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
almost like Christmas
Well...here we sit! The house is pretty clean and we are just waiting on the arrival of Scott with Cassie and the boys!!! Today has been forever and I have a feeling the next 2 hours are going to be even slower!!!! We are all looking so forward to this next week with Cassie, Jesse and the boys! If anything this year we have learned to appreciate the time we have together!!! They will be here for a week so we can just sit and talk this visit...and on Monday we have another visit coming...Jim and Kim will stop by our house for a few hours on their way to see Jill and Jeff for the holidays...we are almost as excited to see them as we are to see out JAX crew!!! I pray you all have a blessed Thanksgiving...and I'll post some pictures in the coming days!!!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Isn't God amazing???
Doesn't it blow your mind just how good God is! He is so faithful...even when I am not. He never leaves our side even when it feels like He has...He isn't the one who moved!
I have to admit that I hate the places that feel like a desert...but one the far side of the desert is a good place! The lessons learned make life better, makes me better and very one I've walked thru makes God more real and larger than I could have every imagined!
We have a new pastor at our church and yesterday was his first offical day...he and his wife fit in perfectly! It is as if we have known them forever...isnt' this a picture of God's redemption...when we've been away from Him then turned back to the One who sustains us...it's like we've always been with Him...grace, redemption, hope...just like God promises us...He has a hope and a future for us...
I know I am not the only one who is looking forward to see what God has for our future. I think for a while at our church we lost our purpose for being...but God is restoring that purpose...to bring Him honor and glory and to point people to the Way the Truth and the Life!!!
Thank you Jesus for loving us...for loving me...I am humbled and amazed!
This sums up what I've learned this summer...may it bless you today...right where you are...
When God's People pray by Wayne Watson:
Hopeless situation turns around,
dilema passes by and by.
Look, there's a never-ending field of blue!
past your clouded sky.
He alone can know the need in me
before a single word begins;
The Holy Spirit intercedes for me.
I will trust in Him!
I have to admit that I hate the places that feel like a desert...but one the far side of the desert is a good place! The lessons learned make life better, makes me better and very one I've walked thru makes God more real and larger than I could have every imagined!
We have a new pastor at our church and yesterday was his first offical day...he and his wife fit in perfectly! It is as if we have known them forever...isnt' this a picture of God's redemption...when we've been away from Him then turned back to the One who sustains us...it's like we've always been with Him...grace, redemption, hope...just like God promises us...He has a hope and a future for us...
I know I am not the only one who is looking forward to see what God has for our future. I think for a while at our church we lost our purpose for being...but God is restoring that purpose...to bring Him honor and glory and to point people to the Way the Truth and the Life!!!
Thank you Jesus for loving us...for loving me...I am humbled and amazed!
This sums up what I've learned this summer...may it bless you today...right where you are...
When God's People pray by Wayne Watson:
Hopeless situation turns around,
dilema passes by and by.
Look, there's a never-ending field of blue!
past your clouded sky.
He alone can know the need in me
before a single word begins;
The Holy Spirit intercedes for me.
I will trust in Him!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
just some thoughts
We have so much to be thankful for in our home! God has done so many things this past few months! And I must say I so looking forward to the holidays this year! We have new people in our lives, and a sweeter appreciation for family also!
Yesterday our Pastor offically began his role at Emmanuel. I must say that it feels like they have been with us for a long time already. I say that in a very good way...it's like they belong and always have! I'm so excited to see what God has planned for the body of EBC! He has begun a great healing there and I am confident He will continue this healing...if we remember 2 Chronicles 7:14...walking in this truth for the rest of the days of our lives.
My girl and her family will be home in just over 2 weeks for a little more than a week and I am so excited for this time...it will be less rushed this time and we can just love on those sweet boys and play catch up...I promised Ayden, the 3 year old that he could have a sleep over with his best friend Levi when he comes to see grammy this time so we will have a house full of boys..
The twins and their parents are also doing good. Caleb is still a big boy and Rylee is still a tiny bit of a thing...they are learning new things daily and are so fun to watch...Heather and Donnie are in the process of building a new house...
Michael is working hard to be done with school and working at the church. I know God has big things for his near future and as his mom and just wait excitingly to see this unfold.
Katie is busy in school, teaching at chuch and spending time with thomas...
I pray you have a wonderful day in the Lord...
Yesterday our Pastor offically began his role at Emmanuel. I must say that it feels like they have been with us for a long time already. I say that in a very good way...it's like they belong and always have! I'm so excited to see what God has planned for the body of EBC! He has begun a great healing there and I am confident He will continue this healing...if we remember 2 Chronicles 7:14...walking in this truth for the rest of the days of our lives.
My girl and her family will be home in just over 2 weeks for a little more than a week and I am so excited for this time...it will be less rushed this time and we can just love on those sweet boys and play catch up...I promised Ayden, the 3 year old that he could have a sleep over with his best friend Levi when he comes to see grammy this time so we will have a house full of boys..
The twins and their parents are also doing good. Caleb is still a big boy and Rylee is still a tiny bit of a thing...they are learning new things daily and are so fun to watch...Heather and Donnie are in the process of building a new house...
Michael is working hard to be done with school and working at the church. I know God has big things for his near future and as his mom and just wait excitingly to see this unfold.
Katie is busy in school, teaching at chuch and spending time with thomas...
I pray you have a wonderful day in the Lord...
Monday, October 19, 2009
new beginnings
Well, we have had a huge adjustment period in our lives over the past 6 months...I've spoken of them many times in my past posts...they have all been big to us...and some very difficult.
But God...I love those words...don't you! But God, in His wisdom can see the whole picture...He knows we will struggle but He wants to be the one to hold our hands along the journey...Our girl has been in Florida now for almost 5 months...I knew when she went and took my sweet grandbabies that is was no doubt...God's call...and although I can't say there have been no tears...His tender mercies have been so very sweet...I'm trying to think of another word but today...for this day...tender is all I can think of to describe Him.
I have written many times this summer about our struggles...and while Cassie moving has been very, very difficult...knowing it is Gods call...somehow makes it bearable...something you know in your heart...just has to happen...and life will be good...but the difficulties have been very different in my heart than what people have thought...when godly people do ungodly things...life is very hard...we have been a season of dispair and grief...for the body of Christ...But God...there those words are again...in His (again) tender mercies loved us enough to forgive us and carry us through...
And now new beginnings...Our girl is doing great in Florida and she will start opening her home for a ladies bible study tomorrow night!!! We miss her and her family terribly and I think we always will...as parents arn't we suppose too!!! but to watch God work in her life...is so amazing...We have watched Him work in all four of our children's lives especially this summer...
But at the body...HE and only HE has brought us a sheperd...a man, I believe to be a man after God's own heart...and a wife that stands beside him in service for our King. With great anticipation we wait for YOU LORD...may we prove ourselves worthy of the call...
If you haven't experienced anything like this before...meet Jesus...He is THE way THE truth and THE life...
But God...I love those words...don't you! But God, in His wisdom can see the whole picture...He knows we will struggle but He wants to be the one to hold our hands along the journey...Our girl has been in Florida now for almost 5 months...I knew when she went and took my sweet grandbabies that is was no doubt...God's call...and although I can't say there have been no tears...His tender mercies have been so very sweet...I'm trying to think of another word but today...for this day...tender is all I can think of to describe Him.
I have written many times this summer about our struggles...and while Cassie moving has been very, very difficult...knowing it is Gods call...somehow makes it bearable...something you know in your heart...just has to happen...and life will be good...but the difficulties have been very different in my heart than what people have thought...when godly people do ungodly things...life is very hard...we have been a season of dispair and grief...for the body of Christ...But God...there those words are again...in His (again) tender mercies loved us enough to forgive us and carry us through...
And now new beginnings...Our girl is doing great in Florida and she will start opening her home for a ladies bible study tomorrow night!!! We miss her and her family terribly and I think we always will...as parents arn't we suppose too!!! but to watch God work in her life...is so amazing...We have watched Him work in all four of our children's lives especially this summer...
But at the body...HE and only HE has brought us a sheperd...a man, I believe to be a man after God's own heart...and a wife that stands beside him in service for our King. With great anticipation we wait for YOU LORD...may we prove ourselves worthy of the call...
If you haven't experienced anything like this before...meet Jesus...He is THE way THE truth and THE life...
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Well it's August and many things are changing in our lives. We are still adjusting to Cassie's family living so far away in Jacksonville Florida! This has and I think will continue to be a huge change and challenge for us as a family! I still find myself thinking I need to see if they want to come for dinner tonight or what should I fix for lunch on Sunday they will enjoy...but God's grace has been amazing during this time and I wish we could put into adequate words just how He gets us thru the hard days...it truly is a gift from Him. It is exciting to have and experience Him working in our lives as well as seeing Him work in their lives also. Although, I am very thankful that He is also blessing us with little visits here and there that make the first year adjustments better! They will be home in September for a VERY few days but we will be grateful for the time they are here and cherish every second we get...I think Scott and I will go again sometime this fall and they will be home for Christmas and then I hope to be there for Landon's 2nd birthday in March so we are blessed b/c many families can't see each other this much!
Michael and Katie will begin MSSU the 24th of this month and things will be very different. They have had an amazing summer. They spent 3 weeks in Germany with our Amy and her family. They were blessed to see so much of her country while they were there. It was an awesome trip and one they will remember for a lifetime! We all miss Amy so much and our lives have been forever changed because she is a part of our lives now! They then went to Florida for a week to see Cassie, Jesse and the boys and had a blast there also! They got to see the ocean there as well and lots of play time with the boys...Ayden entertained them with a concert of veggie tales songs and they got to experience Landon's "talking"...and of coarse see baby Camden for the first time! After returning home for about 3 days they hit the road again to lead worship at a children's camp in Neosho. They had a wonderful time there as well and have already been asked to come back next year.
We are hosting an exchange student from Brazil this year. A boy named Gastao and although I can spell it I still can not say it correctly! He is a fine young man and we are enjoying him so far. He is very quiet but is beginning to tease and relax. We have his high school schedule now and look forward to this year. We hope he has a wonderful experience in America and in our home!
There have been many difficult things our family has walked thru this summer. Many people think it is the seperations we have had...something very, very new to the Griffith home...and although that has made our summer challenging there are many things that have pulled at us this summer...things I can't share openingly here but I do want to testify that although this has been one of the most difficult and heart wrenching summers we have walked thru, we have seen God move in a way that we've never seen before...we have seen more answered prayers in a very small amount of time and we are truly a grateful people that God loves us, has called us, equipped us, forgiven us and never ever leaves us! If you don't know Him, you need to! Read Jeremiah 29:11-14...
Michael and Katie will begin MSSU the 24th of this month and things will be very different. They have had an amazing summer. They spent 3 weeks in Germany with our Amy and her family. They were blessed to see so much of her country while they were there. It was an awesome trip and one they will remember for a lifetime! We all miss Amy so much and our lives have been forever changed because she is a part of our lives now! They then went to Florida for a week to see Cassie, Jesse and the boys and had a blast there also! They got to see the ocean there as well and lots of play time with the boys...Ayden entertained them with a concert of veggie tales songs and they got to experience Landon's "talking"...and of coarse see baby Camden for the first time! After returning home for about 3 days they hit the road again to lead worship at a children's camp in Neosho. They had a wonderful time there as well and have already been asked to come back next year.
We are hosting an exchange student from Brazil this year. A boy named Gastao and although I can spell it I still can not say it correctly! He is a fine young man and we are enjoying him so far. He is very quiet but is beginning to tease and relax. We have his high school schedule now and look forward to this year. We hope he has a wonderful experience in America and in our home!
There have been many difficult things our family has walked thru this summer. Many people think it is the seperations we have had...something very, very new to the Griffith home...and although that has made our summer challenging there are many things that have pulled at us this summer...things I can't share openingly here but I do want to testify that although this has been one of the most difficult and heart wrenching summers we have walked thru, we have seen God move in a way that we've never seen before...we have seen more answered prayers in a very small amount of time and we are truly a grateful people that God loves us, has called us, equipped us, forgiven us and never ever leaves us! If you don't know Him, you need to! Read Jeremiah 29:11-14...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Camden Isaiah Ball
Well, he is finally here...actually right on time...his due date...june 26th. Another beautiful, healthy baby boy weighing in at 8 lbs 5 oz and 21 inches long. Momma and baby are doing good! They got to come home on Sunday afternoon.
The boys seem to like him. Ayden especially likes to be momma's big helper and is doing a fabulous job so far. Landon has been sick with the croup so we have had the add challenge of keeping him away from the baby.
I have enjoyed my time here with the kids so much and will miss them more than words can say. I am ready however, to return home and be with my husband and additional family and friends. This time God has used to teach me one thing...my place is beside my husband and I believe our marriage will be sweeter due to this time of seperation. However, as I said I have alot to get used without seeing my baby boys everyday or so...I continue to call this my new kind of "normal". Arlington Baptist Church as welcomed Cassie, Jesse and the boys with open arms...and between Lord and the Church I know they are in good hands!!!
Cassie is a great mom and will blossom as a stay at home mom. She is so much more patient with them than I was (which if you know our history..you know that is a VERY good thing!). I love to watch her read, to them, play with them and even let Ayden help cook....
Jesse is doing well at the church and will begin teaching the teens tonight! He has been working on make some relationships and or coarse waiting on the birth of this new baby boy!!!
I will leave to come home on Saturday so for those of you at home I look forward to see you all!!!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The times as arrived and passed and so far we have all survived. That really is a funny way of putting it since we ALL understand that "thru Christ we can do all things!!!" Cassie and Jesse have been in Florida for a week and a half already...I'm still here. Scott flew home to Missouri on Monday. We are waiting for the new baby to make his appearance!
The boys are adjusted as well as can be expected. Ayden is asking for people in Mo alot and Landon would like to go outside much more than he is able in the apartment complex. There will be many more adjustments for all in the coming months but again...thru Christ is will be done!
I look forward to this time with them but also to the time when I will be home again. So I can get may on my schedule and so that they can begin there routine! I know as long as grammy is here to a degree...things just will not be in there regular everyday routine.
God has and is teaching me many things thru this experience. One that our children really do belong to Him...that He really does love them more than we as parents ever could and that we can trust them to HIM. He is also reminding me of the sacrifices our missionaries make on a daily basis. To leave everyone and everything they know and serve on the other side of the world. He continues to grow me even when I think..no I don't want too...His Holy Spirit gently guides me and loves me thru the hard times, amazing times and everyday of life times! I have pondered my life time much in the passed few months and I am amazed how I can look back and see His hand on my even when I never knew Him. He has brought to life for me His word in the last 6 months...and I can see how His word has proven true in my everyday life!
When I get home I plan to teach vacation bible school and then in the late summer/early fall I will teach a ladies Bible Study. I haven't taught in a while and I am looking forward to this time whether there be a room full of ladies or just one...He has given me an amazing study for the fall and I know His timing is perfect! I hope to visit Florida sometime in October so please pray those funds will be available...whether we drive or I fly!!!
God is good...His grace truly is sufficient...
The boys are adjusted as well as can be expected. Ayden is asking for people in Mo alot and Landon would like to go outside much more than he is able in the apartment complex. There will be many more adjustments for all in the coming months but again...thru Christ is will be done!
I look forward to this time with them but also to the time when I will be home again. So I can get may on my schedule and so that they can begin there routine! I know as long as grammy is here to a degree...things just will not be in there regular everyday routine.
God has and is teaching me many things thru this experience. One that our children really do belong to Him...that He really does love them more than we as parents ever could and that we can trust them to HIM. He is also reminding me of the sacrifices our missionaries make on a daily basis. To leave everyone and everything they know and serve on the other side of the world. He continues to grow me even when I think..no I don't want too...His Holy Spirit gently guides me and loves me thru the hard times, amazing times and everyday of life times! I have pondered my life time much in the passed few months and I am amazed how I can look back and see His hand on my even when I never knew Him. He has brought to life for me His word in the last 6 months...and I can see how His word has proven true in my everyday life!
When I get home I plan to teach vacation bible school and then in the late summer/early fall I will teach a ladies Bible Study. I haven't taught in a while and I am looking forward to this time whether there be a room full of ladies or just one...He has given me an amazing study for the fall and I know His timing is perfect! I hope to visit Florida sometime in October so please pray those funds will be available...whether we drive or I fly!!!
God is good...His grace truly is sufficient...
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Well, 2009 is off and running and we have many things in our lives to be thankful for! The freedom to live in a country that we can still worship God and serve Him!!! Our Katie was crowned basketball homecoming queen and she was beautiful! And our twins have arrived safe and sound. We are so very thankful for the gifts that God has blessed us with already so early in the year!!! Cassie and Jesse are seeking the Lord and His direction for their lives. If He chooses to move them it will be a very different thing for our lives, however, He is in control and will always bless obedience! Katie is seeking what school she is to continue on to after high school. Michael is working so hard on finishing his degree in Music Education. He has been amazing to watch...he hated school for so many years and although I'm not sure you would call what he is doing now...a love for school, he has been very determined to complete it! I am so proud of him and I forget to tell him that. Heather is moving into motherhood like an old pro! She is very laid back with the twins and is doing amazing!!! Scott and I have reached yet another milestone in our lives....27 years of marriage...I think he may be a saint to live with me for so many years. I truly do not deserve him that is for sure but I am thankful for him and we both know the ONE who has made this marriage work...the Lord...praise to HIM!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Well, the year has arrived and is off with a big start! We spent time with Steve, Patti and their sweet family over the New Year and what a time we had!!! We are so thankful for their family and what they mean to ours. God has been so good this year so far...I have struggled with spending time with Him the pasted few months and He has drawn me back to Himself! He is so amazing!
We are looking forward to the twins arrival. They are due in about 3 weeks. If Heather can make it that far. Friday will the the first milestone she needs to make and then every day will just be extra!!! She is good but very tired now. She says it is hard to sleep, to get comfortable!!
Cassie is doing well also. I think her morning sickness is almost over! She just had a birthday...I blinked somewhere along the road and I don't know where the days or years went!! Here she is married...2 babies and one on the way...sis married...twins in the way and really Michael and Katie are grown...I thought I would never survive the years of us all growing up together (and we did grow up together...I had more growing than they did and they taught me so much more than I taught them!) and now those days are gone..but they are replaced with an adult relationship with my kids that I would trade for anything!!!
I hope all is well...please pray for a family in our church who lost their sweet baby boy yesterday...I won't print their names for their privacy but she only had 3 more weeks until delivery...My God comfort their hearts and those of their 3 sweet children and extended family!
We are looking forward to the twins arrival. They are due in about 3 weeks. If Heather can make it that far. Friday will the the first milestone she needs to make and then every day will just be extra!!! She is good but very tired now. She says it is hard to sleep, to get comfortable!!
Cassie is doing well also. I think her morning sickness is almost over! She just had a birthday...I blinked somewhere along the road and I don't know where the days or years went!! Here she is married...2 babies and one on the way...sis married...twins in the way and really Michael and Katie are grown...I thought I would never survive the years of us all growing up together (and we did grow up together...I had more growing than they did and they taught me so much more than I taught them!) and now those days are gone..but they are replaced with an adult relationship with my kids that I would trade for anything!!!
I hope all is well...please pray for a family in our church who lost their sweet baby boy yesterday...I won't print their names for their privacy but she only had 3 more weeks until delivery...My God comfort their hearts and those of their 3 sweet children and extended family!
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