The times as arrived and passed and so far we have all survived. That really is a funny way of putting it since we ALL understand that "thru Christ we can do all things!!!" Cassie and Jesse have been in Florida for a week and a half already...I'm still here. Scott flew home to Missouri on Monday. We are waiting for the new baby to make his appearance!
The boys are adjusted as well as can be expected. Ayden is asking for people in Mo alot and Landon would like to go outside much more than he is able in the apartment complex. There will be many more adjustments for all in the coming months but again...thru Christ is will be done!
I look forward to this time with them but also to the time when I will be home again. So I can get may on my schedule and so that they can begin there routine! I know as long as grammy is here to a degree...things just will not be in there regular everyday routine.
God has and is teaching me many things thru this experience. One that our children really do belong to Him...that He really does love them more than we as parents ever could and that we can trust them to HIM. He is also reminding me of the sacrifices our missionaries make on a daily basis. To leave everyone and everything they know and serve on the other side of the world. He continues to grow me even when I I don't want too...His Holy Spirit gently guides me and loves me thru the hard times, amazing times and everyday of life times! I have pondered my life time much in the passed few months and I am amazed how I can look back and see His hand on my even when I never knew Him. He has brought to life for me His word in the last 6 months...and I can see how His word has proven true in my everyday life!
When I get home I plan to teach vacation bible school and then in the late summer/early fall I will teach a ladies Bible Study. I haven't taught in a while and I am looking forward to this time whether there be a room full of ladies or just one...He has given me an amazing study for the fall and I know His timing is perfect! I hope to visit Florida sometime in October so please pray those funds will be available...whether we drive or I fly!!!
God is good...His grace truly is sufficient...