Doesn't it blow your mind just how good God is! He is so faithful...even when I am not. He never leaves our side even when it feels like He has...He isn't the one who moved!
I have to admit that I hate the places that feel like a desert...but one the far side of the desert is a good place! The lessons learned make life better, makes me better and very one I've walked thru makes God more real and larger than I could have every imagined!
We have a new pastor at our church and yesterday was his first offical day...he and his wife fit in perfectly! It is as if we have known them forever...isnt' this a picture of God's redemption...when we've been away from Him then turned back to the One who sustains's like we've always been with Him...grace, redemption, hope...just like God promises us...He has a hope and a future for us...
I know I am not the only one who is looking forward to see what God has for our future. I think for a while at our church we lost our purpose for being...but God is restoring that bring Him honor and glory and to point people to the Way the Truth and the Life!!!
Thank you Jesus for loving us...for loving me...I am humbled and amazed!
This sums up what I've learned this summer...may it bless you today...right where you are...
When God's People pray by Wayne Watson:
Hopeless situation turns around,
dilema passes by and by.
Look, there's a never-ending field of blue!
past your clouded sky.
He alone can know the need in me
before a single word begins;
The Holy Spirit intercedes for me.
I will trust in Him!