Well 2011 is well into swing and with it changes and challenges are ahead for us just as they are for every person reading this post. We have so much to be thankful for as the New Year begins. We have already celebrated 4 birthdays this year! Cassie and Ayden's birthdays are the first week of January...Cassie probably doesn't want me to discuss her age on here so we will just say that she is a beautiful woman, wife, momma and daughter and I am constantly amazed at the growth I see in her life...in her walk with the Lord.
Ayden is 5 years old! It seems like yesterday they were telling us we'd be grandparents for the first time and now he is so big...and changing too! He is the oldest of 3 in his family and the oldest of our 5 grandbabies...he is a funny little boy...I have so many regrets with Michael as he grew up...so little patiences with him...if I'd only known then what I know now and I could see who short that time really was...well Ayden reminds me alot of Michael and so I can see...he is just a little boy with a funny personality...he likes to trick you and he likes to love on you...he will start Kindergarten this year and life will be different for sure! I pray sometime soon we get to hear from him that he has asked Jesus into his heart...I know that seems young but he has always been taught of the love the Lord has for him...so it may be soon and it may not but there will be a party in heaven and one in Missour whenever that time comes!
Finally we celebrated Rylee and Caleb's 2nd birthdays this past Saturday! They have changed so much this year also...Heather made us a video of the last year and I see them every day so I dont' realize the changes until I can stand back and look from the distance...they are funny little ones too becoming more and more their own..very indepentant individuals! Caleb's is usually more loving than Rylee and she tries to be the clown..trying to get a laugh!
Scott's dad, Willie, has be diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma which is a cancer of the blood plasma. It affects his bones. He has been in a great deal of pain. However, the Drs. in Little Rock are working on getting the pain under control and while it isn't gone it is much better at this point. He has not started his chemo yet but we are hoping they will begin at the end of this week. This has been a very trying and difficult time for the entire family. For Scott's parents, his siblings and their families...our children...very hard and yet...God has His fingerprints all over the entire thing! He has amazed us over and over...bringing people into Willie and Linda's path that are obvious believers...providing for their needs...He never ceases to amaze us!
Yesterday He humbled Scott and I so much...our church family took up a love offering for us b/c of the work Scott has missed while in Little Rock with his dad...sometime ago I think we would have been embarrassed but no more...we were humbled...by God's provision and His love...and the love of that little church on one of the hills of McDonald County...that church has been our family from the very beginning...I'm overwhelmed even today when I think of this unfailing love..from the people and from the Lord...
I pray you have this in your life as well...if you don't call me...I'd love to share it with you!
Please continue to pray for Willie as he has a huge battle ahead of him...but it is a battle he will not fight alone!