Saturday, June 25, 2011

Another couple of Birthday's...

I usually write something for the birthday people in my life on their birthday but as usual I'm a little behind...trying to find the words from my heart this year...

Scott and Michael shared another birthday on the 23rd. Michael is an amazing young man. In the past year he has graduated college, run the farm thru the winter and started his first "grown up" job. (started to write adult...afraid someone would question what "kind" of adult..hehehehe). His grandfather was diagnoised with cancer this winter just after he graduated. He had planned to then start a new job but was needed on the farm. With all the kids taking turns at the hospital with Willie and Linda...Michael was truly a God send to the family...knowing the cows were feed, ice on the ponds broken and any other odd jobs needed. I don't know what we would have done with out him and I can't remember if we told him thank you and we are so proud of you for the sacrifice you gave during those months. As his family, we tease him so much about being "tight" but it is a good thing because he had saved and during the winter he was still able to pay his bills.

So to you Michael, I'm so proud to call you my son. Thank you for all you do for me...and thank you for the song you wrote me for Mother's Day this know why it meant so much to me...but right back at you....YOU ARE LOVED!

For my sweet husband WHO IS 49 this year! I love you so much! I remember thinking when we were dating and first married...we'd never be old...but if we were...we'd be wise...NOT...this to has been a challenging year for is slow but steady...I've watched him choose to trust God on a whole new level this year with his father's illness...we've been lucky for the most part as a family to not have to face alot of serious illness...and this is the first so close for Scott...and again...his faith...has pushed him thru...those days I saw him...scared...worried...not sure what to say...he would trust in the Lord...praying faithfully for not only Willie's healing but his ability to fight this worrible disease mentally...

I an say one thing for sure...we as a family...have learned to appreciate each other even more this year...and the friends and the community around to Scott and Michael I don't want it to go unsaid...I love you both and I APPRECIATE you both so much! While you butt heads most days about the way to do something or make something or fix share so many of the same both love very both have such a sense of protecting or caring for those close to both have an incredible work ethic...and you both love the Lord with a passion....happy birthday to 2 of my most favorite men!