Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Changes...I have a dear sweet friend who told me several years ago...that is what we are becoming accustomed to...she said if she had learned is always going to be changing...well I have to admit...that is the same for us as well...

I guess if you think about would be like the dead sea...stagnet and yuck...if change didn't here we are in the middle of a few more changes...not bad mind you...the biggest change in our lives right now...a new family member by the name of Miss Laney Kate and she is AWESOME...all my grandbabies amaze me and as a new one comes each time they continue to amaze me...she is so alert and just listen to you when you talk to her...she even attemps to get out a sound or two when you talk...that makes me kind of scared because at the ripe old age of 1 week it is OBVIOUS that she has something to say...can you just imagine what she will be like at 2 or worse yet 22!!!!! She truly has smiled at us and knows what she is doing...they don't come often but when they do come she means them!

Another change...the rest of the grandkids are getting so grown up...their little personalites are so different...and I see their daddys in each of them...but I see their mommas in them I can...for one little minute....close my eyes and see flickers of yester years in them...sweet...nothing like it!!!! Rylee and Caleb are getting so sure of themselves and know exactly what they want! They fight with each other but whatever you do...don't pick on one of them or the fight is on because the may fight with each other but they also take care of each other...Ayden is offically a first grader now and he is so grown up these days...he can explain just about anything to you and if you don't believe me...just ask him....Landy has changed so much...all cassie's boys loooooove to sing the song...God's not dead....but landy...he can belt out the entire song...he went to town with poppy and I the other day and let me just say we got quite the show!...oh then litte Camden...he is...passionate...yes that is the word I'm thinking of using...passionate...I can not wait to see how God channels that passion as an adult...and I believe He will...he is a funny little boy...he can cut his eyes at you and you have to laugh...there is no other way out...

Another change...Michael Scott...I have had more complements out of that guy in the past 6 weeks than I have in the past....well a long time...I'm so proud of him...and I'm so happy for him...he has met a sweet young lady...Miss Bekah Crawford....and we have absolutely fallen in love with her...all though I don't think we are the ONLY ones who have fallen for her...just sayin...Scott and I actually met Bekah (as did Michael) about 6 years ago when we went to Thailand for a mission trip...I remember thinking how much I liked her then and what great friends she and our Katie would be if they went to the same school...God has been teaching Michael a great deal in the last year and with that said...between the Lord and Bekah there is a joy in his eyes this momma has NEVER seen before...this is a change I love to see...his birthday is coming up soon and you know I've only been away from him on his birthday one other time...and it was NOT a good day for and dad where both gone and in his defense...he was only 9 but it was a rough I pray he has a great day this year...

Change will always I think back over the years of our boring it would have been had we not walked thru the changes...some fun, some so hard to bare it can still bring tears to my eyes but all necessary...all with the fingerprints of God all over them....He is the One who has made our family work..He is the One who guides our lives and He is the One who holds are today and our tomorrow...

So as more changes come...I can't wait to see what is next in our lives...Scott will be 50 this I guess I have to admit we are now...dare I say...middle aged...sorry just can't can say elderly yes...middle aged...what comes with these changes...dont' know...Scott still thinks he is 20...put we will walk this path together...

have an amazing day today and and be ready for the changes...cause they are coming!!!!!! To God be the glory....

Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you...Joshua 3:5 are you ready????

...The Lord will fight for you...and you have only to be silent...Exodus 14:14

and finally...

...blessed be the name of God forever and ever, to whom belong wisdom and might...He changes times and seasons...He removes and sets up kings...He gives wisdom to the wise...and knowledge to those who have understanding...He reveals deep and hidden things...He knows what is in the darkness...and the light dwells with you...O God of my fathers...I give thanks and praise...for You have given me wisdom and might...and have now made known to me what we asked of You...Daniel 2:20-23

I Love You Lord...there is none like YOU...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Florida with the Ball family...

Scott and I made it to Florida BEFORE Miss Laney Kate's arrival! (Whew) and we are enjoying being with Jesse, Cassie and the kiddos! Poppy and I have gotten to spend some quality time with the boys while momma and daddy were at the hospital with the baby and believe me...when you live so far away, you learn to appreciate all the time you get with them! They have grown so much and they change so fast...even when it has only been a couple of months in between visits there is such changes!

Ayden graduated kindergarten this week so we got to see his graduation, pizza party and his end of the year program and awards ceremony. He has learned to read this year and he has always been able to tell quite a story, but now he can write them as well! I can't tell you how many times a day he will be in the middle of something and just randomly come up....hug me and say...I love you Grammy....let me just say...words a Grammy loves to hear...he can be a little wild man but he has such a tender heart...much like his uncle Michael...I know God will do great things with a tender heart...and the his future....I believe will be a passion that God to will use!

Landon seems like to me, has changed the most lately...he has a very sweet disposition and he will just look at you and giggle and wiggle from head to toe! He has been going to speech for about 3 or 4 weeks now and he loves to work on his "homework" he thinks he is such a big boy now...and he is...he is growing and very excited to start pre-K in the fall...not sure his momma is ready for yet another one to leave the nest but he thinks he is! (although he still doesn't like to get up early so we will see how that works out for him this fall!). I must say...he always has and he always will be able to look up at Grammy and he just melts my heart!

Then there's Mr. Camden who has a personality the size of Texas. He is so stinkin funny...he will push you to the very limit and then some but I wouldn't trade him for anything! He, thanks to poppy, now calls me consistently...CRAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZY Grammy...then he just laughs...that's what we call you, he will say....I just have to say....and I wonder why??????????? I think he may be the one of Cassie's that likes to snuggle the long as it is his idea! I can't say enough that when I left Florida 3 years ago with him only being 1 week old...I was so afraid he'd never know me...but he does and he looks forward to Grammy and Poppy just like the others do as time in all the time the kids have lived here was it had...and that was a time a few years ago, they came to MO for a mission trip and when they arrived we were waiting for them to get off the bus...and went straight to Camden and he didn't know us and he didn't want us for a little bit...but he warmed right up...and ironically that was the visit that we crossed the time "thresehold" and he remembered us always after that!

Oh, yes and there is ONE more now...Miss Laney Kate joined us on May 21st...and she is beautiful. She is a sweet baby and we are enjoying her...spoiling her and lovin on I'm writing this, her and her momma just got up and she slept all night long last night...she has been a busy baby since her birth b/c she too attended her big brothers graduation and end of the year program and she has had lots of drs. appointments so far with a few next week too! Cassie just sits and stares at her...I know part of it is b/c she is a she, and part of it is b/c she is the last (we think!) and just b/c she is a good momma and it is her sweet baby...the boys love her...very much and at times are all up in her business a little to much but it is b/c they are crazy about her...she cuddles right down with her daddy and her poppy...but she has cuddled down for me some too!

It has been a great visit so far and I look forward to 4 more weeks with them! I know I talk about them moving and being so far from us a lot but this morning I'm overwhelmed with the Lord's goodness and as hard as this has has been one of the most amazing experiences of my finally see the visual picture that the Lord has tried to teach me over and release my hand and trust my children to Him...the One who created them...the One who loves them....the One they belong too...have a blessed day...

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Lord Speak...I Obey

Well today was day 4 of our revival services...God is truly speaking and it is amazing to be a part of this incredible week. We have seen 4 people ask Jesus Christ to be their Savior and one man surrender to the preaching ministry! Those are only the things we know...not the private things God is doing in the individual hearts...

Today Bro. R.E. spoke about Moses. He has the gift of painting such a real picture for us that the storys becomes even more real than they  already are! God started speaking to my heart last night...and tonight He spoke even more...I want to share before I can't put it into words...R.E. was saying that during the death angel night. God told the Hebrew children to get a that is perfect...that has lived with their they had loved and then on that night...take it to the door way...slight it's throat...put blood on the doorpost and the lentil then bring the lamb in...and cook the meat and eat it...with joy, preparing to go God when God spoke....God speak....Obey...he then said many scenarios...ranging from being lost and completing disobeying (then the result of the death angel entering the house) to total and complete obedience....the one scenario was...obeying...until you get to the...with joy part preparing to go when God speaks...he said these people don't have joy because they are worried and afraid of the unknown or what might be next....that is so totally me...and God broke my heart over that this evening...I'm so tired of letting my fears cripple me...

No more...tonight I desire to have joy...even especially in the unknowns of my life and my future...I will take my hands off of my children...grandchildren and my husband...I will live in the victory of Christ...I will because through Him I can!

Lord speak...I obey....

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Our revival started last night and the theme of the Oh what a message we heard last night...We will be in Hebrews chapter 11 for the remainder of the revival.

2 things I learned last night, I probably knew but haven't thought about or even practiced in a while...Faith is is NOT a fairytale and it is NOT a theological concept...substance something, for those of us who have it, that is real and vibrant in our lives. The 2nd...maybe just maybe I haven't experienced the vibrant faith life I could because it just might cost me too much...that is the biggest word that is going thru my spirit this morning...

I have learned much about faith over the years of my life with the Lord. I can look back at times I have and we as a family have walked thru and know without a doubt that faith is what pulled us thru!

Michael sang "Hungry" last prayer right now is that the Lord will teach me to hunger and thirst after Him...

I haven't shared much about my WW journey lately...because is getting I don't want to talk about it but talk I hold myself accountable and to hopefully help someone else who struggles with this issue also...WW in and of itself is not a hard plan to follow...but changing a life time of habits is SO hard...and in the past I've worked for a while and then I've stopped...this time it isn't for me or even about is about the Lord...about being physically able to be His servant in whatever capacity that may be...I've lost almost 29 pounds (it was 30 but I gained a lb this week)...I think I lost sight of my purpose for a time...but now the purpose is back on...

It's all about You, Jesus
And all this is for You
For Your glory and your fame
It's not about me
As if You should do things my way
You alone are God
And I surrender to your ways