Tuesday, January 28, 2014

32 years

It is 4:30 in the morning...the day you return from India...I can't sleep again...fair warning...the snoring may be horrible in our home tonight...between you and me and sweet rest finally for us both! I feel like a teenager again waiting for my prom date to show up...truly this day will be one of the longest days ever... because: I've missed you beyond words... it is our anniversary eve... I cannot wait to talk about what all the Lord has done and revealed to you in the last week... and finally...I think I truly get it...you know...how the Bible says and the two shall become one...half of me has been missing... I think back over the years and I've said it many times...thank you for loving me when truly...you shouldn't have...and for loving Jesus enough to keep your vows...when in the worlds eyes you should have given up...and there was a very distinct period of time that we all call "THE TIME" that was so difficult...do you remember...I do...every time I look at pictures from then...and see the sadness in your eyes (shut up Michael!)...but this year...ugh what a year it has been for us...I don't ever want a repeat...and yet...Jesus...just like all the hard times in the past has been so faithful and true...He has been our peace and our refuge...and while this year has held GREAT sadness for us...I can look back in pictures of the year and see...peace...joy...and faithfulness in you...we've lived long enough and walked with HIM long enough now to know that peace...peace that surpasses all understand...only comes from the Lord... It cracks me up so much to hear peoples perspectives of what they "think" our lives have been all these years...if only...if only they could have been there witnessing...our lives...like everyone else, it has been a learning along the way kind of thing...thankful this side of the trials for the lessons we have learned...for the trust we have learned to have in the Lord through each one...I've said so many times how thankful I am to Jim and Kim Day for coming...for teaching us what it looks like to do REAL life with Jesus...but the truth is...I am thankful to the Lord for sending them...He did it...He hand picked those vessels to teach us about Himself...He uses you to teach me about Himself...in you I see a man who loves incredibly deep...beginning with the Lord...I know that is what allows you to love me...us as deeply as you do...I see a man who is so humble...who is a servant from the very core of yourself...who is an encourager...all those notes you have written over the years...mostly to our children...you probably will never know the full impact of those...a man who can be called a man after God's own heart... I am scared a little for you to come home because even though we haven't spoken...I can "hear" in your text that you are not coming back to me the same man who left a week ago...I know change is coming...and what that looks like scares me, excites me...all the above! I am so thankful you will be home in time for our anniversary...honestly...this is a new one...you ready to hear it...I am glad we get to spend it with our students...a passion that we have both come to love so much! I cannot wait to see you in 12 hours...Scott Griffith...I love you...you are the love of my life...happy, happy, happy anniversary Beth

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Why go...

As we post pictures of the 3 wise men on their journey...keeping you updated as we are updated...do you find yourself wondering why they went? Why they spent the money, took the time off of work and time away from their families? Why they would risk it all to go? When the tsunami hit in Asia all those years ago (2004)...all day long all I could think of was...how many people were ushered into Hell that day...many of them without every hearing the name of Jesus...now that may offend you or make you upset at the Lord...but He asked us to go...and because we are disobedient...there are and will continue to be people who should have heard but haven't...so that is one reason they went...the main reason they went... Many of us like to "watch" people at the mall or wherever...as a believer...does it every cross your mind about their eternal destiny? I know we may have varied opinions on who we are to "reach" and some think we should stay here and reach our own...but the Lord tells us in 2 Peter 3:9..."The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance"...you see it doesn't matter if the lost person lives in your house...across the street, town, state, country or world...the Lord desires all to come to repentance! Do you have a heart...by that I mean...does it ever...fellow believer...cross you mind a stranger that dies today may die without the Lord...and what that means if they do... You see, really this is not a matter to debate...nor is it a matter of opinion...other than the Lords opinion...Acts 1:8..."But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” and Matthew 28:19-20..."Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” It isn't an opinion...it is what we are to do as believers...I understand that we cannot all go for varied reasons...but I pray those reasons are NEVER simply because we do not want to...maybe it is our late age before we understand this truth and cannot go, or health reasons...but we can ALL participate in this...first we can all share with those in our house, across the street...at work or Wal-Mart...2nd we can financially help support those who can physically go...and most importantly we can pray...pray for the lost world around us...from right in front of our faces to the uttermost ends of the earth...the words of the Lord...Isaiah 6:8..."Then I heard the Lord’s voice, saying, “Whom can I send? Who will go for us? So I said, “Here I am. Send me!” Will you go...at least to your knees on behalf of the lost of this world...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


As most of you know...I love to write when someone special to me has a birthday...but what you may not know is I cannot write unless the Lord is speaking to my heart...so my apologies in advance to Cassie and Ayden...I guess my heart has been a funk...The Lord is speaking to my heart about that funk...and it is time to get up and out of it! (That will be another blog!) So today I will just catch up if you will on these birthdays that seem to come faster and faster! Our sweet oldest grandchild turned 8 years old on the 4th! It is so hard to believe that he is that old...almost double digits...1/2 way to 16...wow time is flying...He is a little character for sure...very careful to choose his words so that he will not hurt your feelings...(he is sensitive that way!) He is in the 2nd grade now and very smart...says he doesn't really like to read but does an amazing job at it...never ceasing to amaze us! He asked Jesus into his heart this year...such a joy for this grammy! Each year that passes I realize how short our time truly is and the fact that really only one thing will matter in life...What did we do with Jesus...Ayden will follow his Savior into his future now...he loves his siblings but he for sure has a soft spot for that baby sister of his...he still thinks uncle Michael is the bomb.com...although I hear a lot this year about how smart his daddy is and how he wants to grow up and do the things his dad does...he still loves to give you hugs...he always comes into the room...gives me a hug and says...hey grammy! Melts my heart! I pray Ayden Parker...that you grow up to be like your Poppy...you see he is my hero...he loves each one of us uniquely and yet he loves all the same...and his desire is for each of us...from me to the youngest grandbaby is for us to know Jesus, love Him, live for Him and experience Him to the fullest...and Ayden Parker...if you do...you will be an incredible man! That is my prayer for you! Cassie's birthday followed just a few short days later...and I am so proud of her as well...she has walked a road this year that has stretched her and grown her in many ways...she continues to learn to trust the Lord on a daily basis and much like her momma, when He provides her mouth hits the floor as if she (or we) can't believe that just happened! She led a bible study this year in her home and I think she truly enjoyed the experience...she continues to pour Jesus into her kiddos and that is what she is called to do in this season of life (however, does that season ever go away...I don't think so...it just looks different in different stages of their lives)...I wish peace for her this year...peace and joy that comes only from the Lord! Today the twins turn 5 and we have celebrated all day long...they came in bouncing (literally!)...they are going to go to school next year and I think my life will be very different...I have kept them since they were born...they are the first of the grandkids they I've kept that long...they love Jesus so much and they love to talk about Him...sing about Him and dance before Him...they have changed so much the last year...but I continue to say they are mini me's of their parents...although I see both parents in both kids as times...Caleb is a mini Donnie and the Belle is her momma made over...(which is justice for me!). They will take up for one another if they think someone is picking on them...and they have a hard time being apart...my prayer for them this year is that they will not have separation anxiety! I am blessed with my January babies...from the oldest to the youngest!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Your enough...until something or someone else comes along...

Another early morning for me...can't sleep...headache! I got up and took some migraine meds and now here I am...words rolling over and over in my head so I thought I might as well put them down! Scott leaves for India in about 9 days and so we had all the grandkids over last night for a slumber party! It was...loud! But we had a great time! They are all asleep this a.m. except Cams...he is our early riser! I dreamt about Harold and Willie again last night...I've done that several times the past few months...I find myself mulling between two different places...wondering why they had to go...why we couldn't have them a little longer...and on the other side of it...wondering what they are seeing and experiencing in Heaven...but I also find myself very fearful, wondering who will be gone next...I am even a little afraid when I say goodbye to Scott...well you know... I like to talk the big talk..."know" the answers to say...and I DO know it is truth...and I DO believe it...but do I walk it out daily in my life? Lord, I've had seasons in my life where I get up daily and spend good time with You...reading Your word...praying, listening to some amazing worship music...sweet times...and then comes distraction...sometimes in forms of joy...others in forms of hard things and my eyes are moved from you to whatever has distracted me...I say you are enough...You are all I need...and then I look another place...knowing I've grabbed hold of another lie...I find myself in this place again...wondering around looking for You yet not quite able to find You...I want to fix all the things around me...the hurt my sweet family is experiencing right now...the losses...the difficult things...the questions we have and yet I can't...Lord help me to simple trust...trust You...trust that You have a way bigger plan than I can comprehend...the words of Mark 9:24 comes to me this morning...“I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” I know as human beings this is something we all struggle with at times...we say Jesus...you are all I want in the world...until something or someone comes along that we want more...why do we do that...why do I do that...I've belonged to Jesus now for almost 25 years...I don't want this struggle anymore...and I can say the struggle is different to a degree than it was 25 years ago...and year at the core...at the heart it is still very much the same... So this morning I want to see truth...with only comes from one place...and it is NOT Ophrah, or Dr. Phil...or Joel Olsteen or even Billy Graham...but from the Truth of God's word... Psalm 9:10 Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. Psalm 56:3 When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. 1 Samuel 12:16 “Now then, stand still and see this great thing the Lord is about to do before your eyes! Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”---I LOVE THIS VERSE---truly where I am now... Isaiah 40:29 He gives strength to the weary And His Word goes on and on with great comfort for all the days of our lives...good, bad...HE IS THE LORD... So what about you...are you struggling...maybe Jesus was enough...until you realized...you are still single and you should have a family by now...so you are distracted...or maybe you should have a child by now...distracted...or you should have "more" whatever...stuff...better job...easier life...someone back...whatever "our" distraction is...can you find truth in God's word...You can...I promise...we just have to believe it...trust it...cling to it when we have nothing else to cling to...Jesus what life is about...He is truth...He is hope...He is all we need even when the world tells us otherwise...may we be found in HIM... This song has run through my mind for several hours already this morning...the song..."Oceans by Hillsong" You call me out upon the waters The great unknown, where feet may fail And there I find You in the mystery In oceans deep, my faith will stand And I will call upon Your name And keep my eyes above the waves When oceans rise My soul will rest in Your embrace For I am Yours, and You are mine Your grace abounds in deepest waters Your sovereign hand will be my guide Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me You've never failed, and You won't start now And I will call upon Your name And keep my eyes above the waves When oceans rise My soul will rest in Your embrace For I am Yours, and You are mine Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders Let me walk upon the waters Wherever You would call me Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander And my faith will be made stronger In the presence of my Savior x 6 I will call upon Your name Keep my eyes above the waves My soul will rest in Your embrace I am Yours, and You are mine I am Yours, and You are mine I am Yours, and You are mine I am Yours, and You are mine never heard it before...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLrQWVpoh7U