Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Michael Scott....

29 years ago...I was 10 days over due...with baby number 3...hoping it was a boy...I had hoped the baby would come on Father's Day but nope...it came and went...I laughingly teased that it was waiting for Scott's birthday to make an appearance...We went to the hospital on the 22nd (for the 3rd time) and for the 3rd time was told it was false labor...ugh!!!!! BUT...the doctor said since I was overdue by 10 days he would get everything starting the next morning...so we stayed...then...at almost 3 a.m...Michael Scott made a fast and furious appearance...I would tell you all about it but not sure he would appreciate it!!!

I remember thinking what an amazing birthday gift for his father...not only another healthy baby...but a baby boy...named after him to boot!!!!! (although until his most recent adult years...Scott called him Charlie...and when is was little...Charlie Boy!) We quickly found out that Michael could NOT stand Scott...for the first year of his life he wanted nothing to do with his dad...but the next year...he turned one...and all of the sudden his dad became his hero...and he wanted to be with his dad ALL the time...Michael loves to tell the story now of how I would always take the girls to nice restaurants and never ever take him...and he is telling the truth...if we went to town shopping we did go eat...at Red Lobster or Olive Garden...but the WHOLE truth is...if his dad was anywhere near...that is where he wanted to be...I can still see him with his little hat on his head...his ear pushed out just a bit from the hat looking up to his dad...makes this momma's heart still smile!

He went on the truck with his dad...had lots of chips and Gatorade for breakfast...knew Archie well...would make his bicycle a truck and "haul" trailers all over the yard...fixed CB radios on the handlebars....a little boy with a hero he wanted to grow up and be like...

Well the little boy has grown up...and he did NOT become a truck driver...and you know what...that's OK...it's a hard life...and lots of time away from your family (Scott will tell you that!)...but this little boy DID grow up to be like his dad in the ways that matter...He loves Jesus...He loves worship (if you know Scott Griffith you know he OPENLY loves that !!!!)...and when the ONE came along...Michael did what I've always said he would do...he loves her well...he is an amazing husband...he makes things for her...he decorates her house for fall...and Christmas...and beautiful flowers in the spring/summer...he works hard for her...but more than all of these cool things that he does...and does well for Miss Beks...he loves her like Christ loves...(an example set before him by his dad!)...if you know their story...you know he has fulfilled dreams and helped to heal hurts...she loves to say...#2ndtimesacharm...

I'm am beyond grateful for my children...ALL of my children...today is Michael's day...Happy Birthday Michael...I love you so much...I'm so proud of you...and proud to able to say I'm your mom...whatever you do and wherever you go in life I'll be your biggest supporter...(well just behind Beks...she gets the honor of the biggest one now!!!)...

I love you...have an amazing day!!!!


Saturday, June 20, 2015

What is a Hero???

In this day and age...what makes a hero...what is it that we women look for in our mate and who would we pray as a model for our daughters...that answer seems to be getting distorted in modern day America...

My hero looks very different from the hero of the world...he has worked hard all our lives to provide for the needs of our family...He was been our biggest cheerleader...sometimes to the point we wanted to say...shhhhh...but he still cheered!!!...

My hero has set an example of Christ like love to our kids and now our grand kids...he loves people...he loves students...and he loves to be a servant to others...even when that cost him...time...money and energy he doesn't always have...isn't that what Christ has called us to do...to follow Him...even when it is hard...uncomfortable...or costly...I have walked 33 years with my hero has he has lived this out...

I know our kids love him...they have a look of pride most of the time on their faces...when they look at him or talk about him...I'm so thankful it is like that...and it is that way...because of the man he is...and the father he has been and continues to be to them...a place of honor that I think they would all agree with me when I say he earned it...doesn't expect...earned...

But, more than that...he is MY hero...my husband, friend, mentor, lover, life partner...and the thought of us not being together scares me...

He recently fell off the pedestal I had him on...does that make him less my hero...NO...you know why...because he was put in a place that was never fair for him to be in....honestly a place that on Christ should be...hero's...my hero...knows how to point me to the ONE I need to see high and lifted up...

He has taught me what love is...he has taught me grace...he has taught me forgiveness...he has taught me laughter...he has taught me joy...he has lived out a Christ like life before me...and I believe I know Jesus today...because my hero showed me the way...

I'm thankful for him...and I want to wish him a Happy Father's day and a happy birthday...Scott Griffith...you are my favorite... 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Sofia and Sasha

Well...our year has come to an end...the girls have both been home for a week now...we heard from them both that they are safe at home...we have heard from Sofia several times...she is very EXCITED to be eating her food again!!! Her sister graduated Saturday and Sofia looked beautiful in the pictures that she sent us of that day!!!

Their room is clean now and officially our home office now...it is funny and hard at the same time how life moves on...our very first exchange daughter, Amy, is actually here in the states as I type this...however, she will not make it to Missouri this trip...if all works out the way we hope...Scott and I will step foot on her Germany and see her land in 2016...

Life does move on...but with each days interactions...we are changed...our hearts are changed...and so...as Scott and I move on to an "empty nest" again...our hearts are changed...we now have 2 more girls...daughters...that will forever be in our hearts...we think of them as we are getting ready for church on Sunday mornings...or when we sit down for a meal...or when we start to play a game...(can't do that just yet...still feels funny without them!)...I think t-bow still looks for them...my daycare kids are saying them miss them...the grand-kids are missing them...

Sofia and Sasha...our prayer for you is that you have left here knowing you are loved...knowing you are forever a part of this crazy American family...and to know that there is a God in heaven who loves you more than Finnish...Chinese or American families could even begin too!!! We also pray that you left here knowing that you have left your mark on us...on our hearts...on our church...and on the friends of MAC County...you both will forever be a part of Pierced Student Ministries...forever a MUSTANG...and...forever...and always...a Griffith...

Missing you much today! Love you both...

Scott and Lori...
A.K.A. American Dad and Mom