We get to go see our girl and her sweet boys in Florida 2 weeks from today! I'm very excited to see them. While we are there we will celebrate Landon Ryan's 2ND birthday! He has been such an added blessing to our lives...he is a little spit fire and I think he attempts to run circles around his momma but he is a blessing...our lives are forever better because we know him...There is also a hope we will get to see Ayden sing in the preschool choir while we are there! One of the hardest things about this sweet family living so far away is missing these little things that we all take for granted if we live close to each other...then the other thing we will see while we are there is baby Camden crawling now...going everywhere I hear...since we've last seen him...he is sitting up, crawling and from the sounds of things from when I called the other day...he is finding his voice! I just want to sit and enjoy 6 or 7 glorious days with them...soaking up every minute I can with them...maybe even sit on the beach one afternoon with them...
The twins had their 1 year checkup this week and they are doing well except again, Rylee is underweight...she has plateaued on the chart...(she is actually off the chart) so we are busy pouring the calories to her...I would ask that you please pray about this...she really does have a very good appetite but she doesn't drink...milk, water, juice nothing really...and this is the problem the Dr is saying...other that that they are both good...Caleb out weighs her by 7 lbs! he is walking a little and she is just a tease!
I asked a question last week to my friends on facebook and emailed the question to several people and was amazed by ALL the answers I got...but I realized that I didn't give my answer...the question..does uncompromising faith make life "worth it"...well a week ago I'd have said YES...very easily...this week I'll still say, scream YES< YES< YES but I will also say it doesn't make life easy...this world is a hard place to live in at times....Oh don't get me wrong there are times...days even that man, life is so good...you get the warm fuzzies almost...you love the people in your life...at my age...you experience grand babies and just let me say they are like nothing else you've ever experienced before...these days can I say my uncompromising faith factors in? Well, yes and no...yes because I believe, for me, it is part of how I am...but no because I could just find joy in these people and circumstances God has so graciously blessed me with and thru...the other days though...the hard days...because we struggle with this thing or that...or days when our hearts are broken over the evil and violence in this world...in people, or who we love so much but we simply cannot make them see the "Hope" that is there for all mankind...those are the days that I must say...without this uncompromising faith I'd be lost...those day when if I had to think....if this is all there is to life...I'm done...I can't do this anymore...but then faith reminds me, keeps me going knowing that my time here is temporary and this is JUST the beginning...that there is more to it than me...it's not about me...it's about my Father in Heaven who loves me like no other...who hates the evil and injustices way more than I could ever! People would say...why doesn't He do something about it then...because if He did...free will would be gone...what is love if we don't have the free will to choose or not to love Him. So with free will comes choices, some choose a love for God...a sold out life to Him, for some just passing thru this world...good people...put no hope beyond this life here on earth..and for some...evil and violence...and ALL...no matter our choice...God loves ...sent Jesus to die for us...it all comes back to our free will to choose...so again...for me...without uncompromising faith...it's not worth living...BUT with it...I can appreciate my loved ones more and can face the hard days better knowing that I am not nor will I EVER be alone...IN CHRIST ALONE MY HOPE IS FOUND!
I'd ask you to join me as we pray for each other...for strength to walk this faith out..I heard from people who have walked thru really bad things...lost husbands to terrible accidents, children dying, sickness and from others who spent the largest part of their lives living for themselves or for others...and now they can say...without any doubts...faith, uncompromising faith is worth it all...
I can do all things through Christ how gives me strength...have a blessed day...
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