Jesse and Cassie brought their youth group to Missouri to minister to the area...and I believe all those closely involved will be forever changed. We saw God do amazing the lives of the kids they the lives of the people they the lives of our teens and in the lives of theirs! It was one of the most powerful weeks I've ever had the privilege of being a part of...We had kids saved during the Day Camp they hosted...we witnessed one of our own teens ask Jesus into her heart...we witnessed a few others just nailing down somethings in their lives...and we witnessed the bonding of our own youth group. That was something that needed to happen so we can work together...Friday night they hosted a youth rally. We had great hopes for it...we invited 4 other churches to join us...and not ONE came just EBC and ABC that was it...but God knew what He was doing...we had amazing worship...then Jesse brought the was a powerful service with one of the JAX students being saved as well! The students then began to share testimonies...around an hour of young people sharing what God is teaching and leading in their lives...amazing!!!!!! We were sad to see them leave but excited too so that all involved...their teens and ours could begin walking what God had been talking to them all about!!!
We went STRAIGHT into VBS at the church the next week...we had a youth class this year for many various reason...but the main one being that again...God knew what He was doing...We started the week with 14 teens and ended the week with 31! We saw 5 teens accept the Lord! What a week! Again, lives have been changed forever!
During this time we also got to spend some sweet time with Cassie and the boys. Jesse went back to JAX and was gracious enough to share Cassie and the boys with us. So we had almost 3 full weeks with them! (total) It was great! I love them so much and miss them more than I can put into words...but the most fun (if I had to categorize it) was getting to know Camden better...he obviously doesn't know us as well and we don't know his personality like we do Ayden and Landy's so that was so good. He is a very good baby who likes to laugh and tease. He plays hard and when he plays to hard he falls asleep in his food! Ayden keeps us in stitches and Landy has the most precious will just melt you like butter...loved again watching them play with Rylee and seeing all 5 grandbabies together!
Michael and Katie went straight from VBS to Children's camp along with a few others from the church...JD and Heather being to the last day Heather fell and broke her leg and ankle...a very severe break that has since required surgery...praying for her recovery as she sets in her chair and listen's to the Father!
Michael and Katie then came home and the next day took Cassie and the boys home and spent a week with them...everyone is home now but I won't say it's normal...don't think we know normal anymore...but that is good!!!!
God has taught me many things this many to put into words I think....but I can say I doubted many things and He has shown me once again just how Good, and gracious and faithful He is! I've fasted from facebook the past has been one of the hardest things I've ever done..I knew I was addicted but had no idea really just what an idol it had become in my life...yesterday I told Scott and the kids...Monday...I'm setting my alarm at 5:30 and getting up to get back on FACEBOOK...then today the Lord VERY clearly never seem that excited or determined to spend time with ME! OUCH...pray for me...I want to be that sold out and passionate about HIM...tomorrow is a new day with new things in my life...I would ask for you to pray for God to have HIS way in my life and not me having mine...
Until the next are some grandbabies of mine...
What a wonderful post! I can't believe I missed all of June's & July's also, so I added you to the sidebar on my blog. I also caught up reading all that I had missed this morning. I loved the Scott & Michael post and couldn't agree more with all you had to say about each of them. Thanks for the encouraging words my friend! Love ya!
BTW I love the new look, and all the g-baby pic's are precious! :)
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