Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I have a few people in my life that I would call my heros. For one reason or another they have impacted my life or I admire a strength I see in them! One would be my son...I have watched him overcome a few obstacles in his life that have truly been a battle for might not think so or the world may not think so but Michael and I both know he has overcome...through this moms eyes he IS one of my hero's...and to see him be the husband I always knew was in there...WOWO...he my opinion...the greatest teacher/example living with him as he grew to be the man he is today...with that said...Scott and I would both say...all credit goes to The Lord and the grace He has lavished on our family over the years. My girls are each one a hero to me in different ways...while each one is different...I have no doubt that each one of them would rise to the occasion each faces on a daily basis in their lives...Cassie for her willingness to trust Jesus enough to follow Him to scary places (I am not just talking about moving!) Heather and Bekah who have both allowed us to see an upclose picture of what it means in the scripture when it says He will make beauty from ashes...Oh if we were all willing and trusting enough to allow The Lord the make beauty from our ashes...and my Katie...who at such a young age has taught me what a consuming fire for The Lord looks like...she had a passionate heart for her high school all 4 years...for people to know Christ...and now she returns as an adult/teacher with the same passion...may that passion be caught... My last hero...who teaches me everyday...Scott...I was thinking the other day for words that would discribe him...goofy...silly...funny....loving...true meaning of daddy/poppy...provider...friend...but the number one word that overall discribes him...joyful...Christ follower. Obviously my life is full of Christ followers and I do not mean to take from them or their walk/witness but I do not live with them...I live with Scott Griffith...I am the one person who can tell you if he lives it or not...he is just who he may like may not but he is real...authentic... I have had a few young people cross my path as well that I am amazed at them and what they have overcome as well...however, with all this said..I am learning that I am blessed to have each of these precious people in my be able to witness each of them overcome challenges through eyes and my trust cannot be in them...they are human...they will let me down...just has I have let them down more times than I care to count...Christ must be my true understanding of hero...the One who willingly laid His life down...who willingly obeyed the Father even when it was hard and scary and lonely...the One who loves me more than anyone else even has the ability to!

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