We've been home now for 3 days...I've tried for 3 days to find the adequate words to share...I still can't seem to find them...We've had it said to us that they don't know how we do it...or maybe even why we do it...our answer...how can we not go...or why would we not? To be honest we are so humbled that God would allow us to go...that He would trust us with His message...that He would equip us...that He would provide for us to go...that He would allow us to be just a very small part of all that He is doing globally...
I think one of the next questions people would ask is...what is the hardest part...not sure you will really want to know the answer but here goes...
The hardest part...is coming home...to a place where my biggest fear is I'll become more complacent...to a place where, really, we have such freedom to worship without fear...and yet we don't or if we do we take it lightly or we choice something else instead...please know, I'm not saying that is true of all...but as a culture I believe it to be more true than not...
Between the men and the women we had 75...many of them quite old...they walked as far as 3 hours...one way...to come sit on a concrete slab for another 4 hours to hear God's word...they had a 15 minutes break in the middle...then a journey of up to 3 hours back home again...they did this for 3 days straight without falling asleep in the middle...or wiggling...or whispering...would I...would you? How desperate for God are we really?
Desperate is the word that God continues to throw at me the past few days...am I desperate...for Him...more than anything else...more than doing life with Scott...or being with my family...or leaving the comforts of home...
We had a family come minister to us for several years...as they were praying about coming to McDonald County...they were asked why would you go...God began to bring our faces to their minds...and they very clearly began to understand...why wouldn't they?...that is a God kind of answer!
So today I am seeing the faces of those precious ladies I had the honor of spending time with and sharing God's word with...those faces, where some are more seasoned believers than others...those that still had a bit of questions in their eyes...and all of them having...a hunger for the word...for these ladies,they attend church...and have been discipled...but this was the first time they had a teaching JUST for them...I remember they first "conference" I attending as a believer...to date, none have surpassed all that God revealed to me that weekend...Lord...continue the work in the lives of the ladies...give them courage to share...help them to be strong with the pressure that comes from their unbelieving family...and friends...and Lord...take me back...over and over again...
14 But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? 15 And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” Romans 10:14-15
I think one of the next questions people would ask is...what is the hardest part...not sure you will really want to know the answer but here goes...
The hardest part...is coming home...to a place where my biggest fear is I'll become more complacent...to a place where, really, we have such freedom to worship without fear...and yet we don't or if we do we take it lightly or we choice something else instead...please know, I'm not saying that is true of all...but as a culture I believe it to be more true than not...
Between the men and the women we had 75...many of them quite old...they walked as far as 3 hours...one way...to come sit on a concrete slab for another 4 hours to hear God's word...they had a 15 minutes break in the middle...then a journey of up to 3 hours back home again...they did this for 3 days straight without falling asleep in the middle...or wiggling...or whispering...would I...would you? How desperate for God are we really?
We had a family come minister to us for several years...as they were praying about coming to McDonald County...they were asked why would you go...God began to bring our faces to their minds...and they very clearly began to understand...why wouldn't they?...that is a God kind of answer!
So today I am seeing the faces of those precious ladies I had the honor of spending time with and sharing God's word with...those faces, where some are more seasoned believers than others...those that still had a bit of questions in their eyes...and all of them having...a hunger for the word...for these ladies,they attend church...and have been discipled...but this was the first time they had a teaching JUST for them...I remember they first "conference" I attending as a believer...to date, none have surpassed all that God revealed to me that weekend...Lord...continue the work in the lives of the ladies...give them courage to share...help them to be strong with the pressure that comes from their unbelieving family...and friends...and Lord...take me back...over and over again...
14 But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? 15 And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” Romans 10:14-15
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