Saturday, January 8, 2022

Will This Be The Last "counting" Birthday???? continue to amaze me! I see a light in your eyes this year...that is new maybe...or maybe just bolder....not real sure which...but it's a light of a woman who is life you have hard you wish the years would slow a bit with your kiddos???? probably...but a woman, none the less...who is happy...a woman...truly in love with her fella...proud of her kids...has a tough job with all kinds of new and crazy challenges due to the day and times we live...but still manages to love on those littles and really care about their very first start of their educations!!!

I looked back to see what I wrote last year...and this year...what I see most that makes you smile is the connection you and Jess have...almost 20 years into have that same look you had the day you floated across our living room and said "he asked me to be his girlfriend"...hang on to that because it is a precious gift you too share!!! You two make is clear that when you do experience the empty nest you will be fine!!!! You are also teaching those kids what marriage looks like...

That was a ramble and I can't seem to quite find the words to truly describe what it is I see in you that is different...but it is good...and it makes my heart happy...I wrote on the opposite part of your day than usual...but I pray you were loved so well today by your tribe!!!! I can't wait to celebrate with you tomorrow!!! truly are one of my greatest treasures in life!!!!

Love ya,


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