Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Sofia and Sasha

Well...our year has come to an end...the girls have both been home for a week now...we heard from them both that they are safe at home...we have heard from Sofia several times...she is very EXCITED to be eating her food again!!! Her sister graduated Saturday and Sofia looked beautiful in the pictures that she sent us of that day!!!

Their room is clean now and officially our home office is funny and hard at the same time how life moves on...our very first exchange daughter, Amy, is actually here in the states as I type this...however, she will not make it to Missouri this trip...if all works out the way we hope...Scott and I will step foot on her Germany and see her land in 2016...

Life does move on...but with each days interactions...we are changed...our hearts are changed...and Scott and I move on to an "empty nest" again...our hearts are changed...we now have 2 more girls...daughters...that will forever be in our hearts...we think of them as we are getting ready for church on Sunday mornings...or when we sit down for a meal...or when we start to play a game...(can't do that just yet...still feels funny without them!)...I think t-bow still looks for daycare kids are saying them miss them...the grand-kids are missing them...

Sofia and Sasha...our prayer for you is that you have left here knowing you are loved...knowing you are forever a part of this crazy American family...and to know that there is a God in heaven who loves you more than Finnish...Chinese or American families could even begin too!!! We also pray that you left here knowing that you have left your mark on us...on our hearts...on our church...and on the friends of MAC both will forever be a part of Pierced Student Ministries...forever a MUSTANG...and...forever...and always...a Griffith...

Missing you much today! Love you both...

Scott and Lori...
A.K.A. American Dad and Mom

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