Saturday, June 20, 2015

What is a Hero???

In this day and age...what makes a hero...what is it that we women look for in our mate and who would we pray as a model for our daughters...that answer seems to be getting distorted in modern day America...

My hero looks very different from the hero of the world...he has worked hard all our lives to provide for the needs of our family...He was been our biggest cheerleader...sometimes to the point we wanted to say...shhhhh...but he still cheered!!!...

My hero has set an example of Christ like love to our kids and now our grand kids...he loves people...he loves students...and he loves to be a servant to others...even when that cost and energy he doesn't always have...isn't that what Christ has called us to follow Him...even when it is hard...uncomfortable...or costly...I have walked 33 years with my hero has he has lived this out...

I know our kids love him...they have a look of pride most of the time on their faces...when they look at him or talk about him...I'm so thankful it is like that...and it is that way...because of the man he is...and the father he has been and continues to be to them...a place of honor that I think they would all agree with me when I say he earned it...doesn't expect...earned...

But, more than that...he is MY husband, friend, mentor, lover, life partner...and the thought of us not being together scares me...

He recently fell off the pedestal I had him on...does that make him less my know why...because he was put in a place that was never fair for him to be in....honestly a place that on Christ should be...hero' hero...knows how to point me to the ONE I need to see high and lifted up...

He has taught me what love is...he has taught me grace...he has taught me forgiveness...he has taught me laughter...he has taught me joy...he has lived out a Christ like life before me...and I believe I know Jesus today...because my hero showed me the way...

I'm thankful for him...and I want to wish him a Happy Father's day and a happy birthday...Scott are my favorite... 

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