Wednesday, March 26, 2014

my mind is wondering these days...

I can feel the words welling up inside of me...actually have felt them for some time but just can't seem to gather the thoughts enough to get them written...but today...they are there wanting so badly to get out...and yet still the thoughts are we will see what God gives me today... My mind has been on overload the past several weeks...mulling things over...remembering sweet people I miss...some who have gone on and others who have just moved on...either way...they each had a tender place in my life and miss them I do! I find myself wishing I had said this or done that with them while the time was available to me...I have times I am good at that but I have more times that I STINK at that... Scott and I went to a conference several weeks was a much needed time in our lives...the word we heard what amazing...the time we had together was sweet and we both came home encouraged...Emmanuel has started something's and women's bible study on Sunday nights...I have missed Bible Study so much and it has been like a breath of fresh air to be apart of it again! I have read a few books lately (which I have not allowed myself to do in quite a long time for personal reasons) I am reading at this point is AHA by Kyle Idleman...would recommend it... The Lord has been waking me up at the oddest hours and speaking to me...putting people on my mind that I haven't thought of in years...but I know in and of myself I am not good enough to "just think" of them so I pray for them b/c over the years I'm learning that is why He brings them to mind...but He also woke me up very, very early one morning and reminded me of all His blessings in our a visual movie...the scenes and the faces each flashed before my eyes...reminding me of the things that are truly important in life...showing me that even though we may not be where we want to be financially He has blessed us above and beyond this year...after I worked on our taxes...I found out we even made less that we did last year and yet He has helped and blessed us so much! We know 2 different families that will say very difficult goodbyes in the very near they embark on a new not adventure...a new calling on their lives...they will move to different parts of the world and reach out to a lost and dying world to share the only Hope there is in this world...I pray for them and their families as they say the very hard goodbyes...but pray also for the excitement that I know they have has they begin serving in the areas God has called them to and equipped them for...I pray over the 7 children that will say goodbye to grandparents, cousins other family and friends...trusting them to Jesus as they also are called to serve beside their mommas and daddies...I pray for the families left here...pray they understand how important this call important the obedience is...understand the danger in having our families here with us yet out of the will of God...they are not ours...they never were...He just loaned them to us...trusted us with them...and now...we must trust Him with them...the Lord taught me that several years much as I love my family...He loves them so much more... This year/winter has been the longest ever...but spring is coming...I dare say even that spring is here!!! If you have time listen to this link...this best describes the way this last year has has been one long Friday...feeling defeated...but our hope is in this Truth...SUNDAYS coming...!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

another one is 30...

Well today Heather is 30...I promise you I can close my eyes and still see that little dark haired baby girl as I packed her up and brought her home less that 12 hours old! You see I had a 14 month old at home and I thought I needed to get back home ASAP....(I did learn by the time Michael came to stay rest...enjoy!) My saving grace during those first few months with 2 babies is that Heather was the best baby we had in our house...she was very content just watching all that was going on around her...the one thing we have known however, for many years about Heather was...she can be very stubborn...I was lucky in the fact that she didn't show that everyday of her life...but when she did...oh baby you might as with what was at hand...if that meant a discipline...or and go one because her mind would NOT be changed!!!! I am keeping a little one now that has very much brought that back to mind lately in my life...good most of the time...BUT when the stubborn streak comes out...forget it! There are things and looks that Rylee Belle does that takes me back 20 plus years in an instant...she grins just like her momma did at that age and she is prissy just like her momma was at that age...and she can cut her eyes at you just like her momma could/ our family...honestly will call that the Sunny look...not everyone has that ability you know! I say it every year...but every year that I am allowed still here with each of my kids I am amazed at the grace and forgiveness they have given me...I know it is a picture of what the Lord has/is doing in their lives and mine! I pray that today, Heather, you know just how loved you special you are...what gifts and talents you have...I've seen on facebook all the ladies saying thank you for making the Ladies retreat happen...again I see a heart for women's ministry...a heart to teach children about Jesus...and momma's heart that desires to see her children growing up loving Jesus...and a wife who supports her husband and spurs his walk with the Lord on! I pray many victories in your life over the next year...many surprises and many doors to be opened for you! I love you my sweet girl...and my friend...have a blessed day...(and just wait for 30th party...its gonna be a blast!!!!)