Friday, June 23, 2017

Happy Birthday Michael

Just wanted to say happy birthday today! What a year you have had! You've had many changes this past year...starting with a new job! You've made great accomplishments there!

We've all know for years now that you can keep something really quiet when you want to...and this year we found out just how long you can keep a BIG secret...finding out about Charli Grace ranks up there with one of my 8 favorite memories!

Watching you struggle through you back pain and surgery was another memory...I'm thankful to watch the healing continue there and for the surgeon God place in your path!

I say it every year and I still mean it...I always knew you'd make an amazing husband and I love watching you love do it so so well!

But I love watching you with Charli Grace...nothing brings me such joy as to watch you with her! Makes this momma's heart so happy and full! I know you and Beks both desire to teach her the important things in life and for that we are so grateful.

Michael...I pray this year is the best one yet! I love you and I'm so proud of you and honored to be your mom!!!

have a great day!