Thursday, May 29, 2014

What's it like?

Well it's been a long year without you...we've all missed you in the chair...on the tractor...working hard...but I find myself asking some many questions that I know you can't answer...but one day when we see you will! So here goes... What was Maw maw's first response when she saw you... Is there just one street of gold... What are the colors like... I know you've seen Jesus...but have you met Paul yet...or Jonah...or Abraham (you could tease him about being the father of many!!!) Is worship in heaven...traditional or contemporary??? thing I'm sure of it is authentic and for an audience of One... What does your mansion look like? What is one thing you would want us all to know...from your perspective now??? What is a year in GLORY like... It must be amazing...because I do know Truth...and I do know you wouldn't choose any of us over it, so it must be amazing! For us...again we've missed you...but you left us so many left your strength...and you taught us about Jesus...which means you left us left us a legacy of love...a couple of your greats that are in our home ALOT still speak of you...and once in a while they even tear up and say how much they miss you...which is hard but we rejoice in the memories they are still having of you... It has been along times a very difficult year...but a year in GLORY for you...the joy...the majesty you must see...I can think of so many worship songs we sing today that MIGHT begin to give a slight glimpse... This song is the revelation song: Clothed in rainbows of living color Flashes of lighting rolls of thunder Blessing and honor strength and glory and power be To You the only wise King Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty Who was and is and is to come With all creation I sing praise to the King of kings You are my everything and I will adore You Filled with wonder awestruck wonder At the mention of Your name Jesus Your name is power, breath and living water Such a marvelous mystery Scott and I both love this song...but I know maybe it isn't your in closing...just for you pops... I feel like traveling on... My heav’nly home is bright and fair, I feel like traveling on; Nor pain nor death can enter there, I feel like traveling on. Refrain: Yes, I feel like traveling on, I feel like traveling on; My heav’nly home is bright and fair, I feel like traveling on. Know you are forever this side of Heaven missed...

Monday, May 19, 2014

Do overs...

Do you ever have those times that you wish you could have a do over...well I we were worshipping the Lord through song yesterday morning...the Lord just filled my heart with words...things I wish I could do over...and I don't share them because I am down, but rather as an encouragement or a "learn from my mistakes" for those mommas out there who are having once again..."one of those days!!!!"... first and foremost I would have allowed God to fill me to overflowing so that I could have poured into my husband and my kids more of what they needed... I would have hungered and thirsted for righteousness more and less of self... I would have spent more time in the Word before I spent time in the world... I would have prayed more...and asked for prayer without being so "self reliant"... I would have hugged more and hit less...laughed more and ordered less baseboards washed...loved more through the lies and prayed for us all to learn the lessons needed during those times... I would have desired my children's characters to be more important than opinions of what others thought... I will say this...the Lord's mercies are new every morning and I am so thankful...thankful for the Lords mercy and the mercy shown to me by my children and my the end...I learned hard lessons and learned to appreciate the times together...the hard stuff and the funny stuff! Being a momma is hard...REAL hard...but it comes with a joy that is encouraged...know one piece of Truth...God have them to YOU...He trusted YOU...and...if you are willing to let Him...He will equip you with all you need to be their momma... in closing I want to share this from Angela teacher and fellow momma: Kids need their mom: 1.To pray in secret with the door open. 2.To never stop touching them. 3.To hang hearts of love over their lives. 4.To watch them go out of sight. 5.To keep a date night with dad. 6.To make them sit around the table . . . and linger. 7.To let her yes be yes and her no be no. 8.To be delayed, rerouted and canceled with poise. 9.To make them wait to take a bite. 10.To take Christmas to people who have nothing. 11.To miss a few things they do wrong. 12.To put down the phone. 13.To learn their unique love language. 14.To occasionally be a supermom. 15.To turn their beds down at night. 16.To ride a roller coaster . . . for the first time. 17.To talk to them like they are fascinating. 18.To treat their friends like family. 19.To cheer wildly from the stands. 20.To give grace-filled consequences. 21.To be a passionate, alive, spiritual lover of God. 22.To indulge their silly. 23.To have a hallelujah party. 24.To keep a family blog. 25.To become physically and emotionally healthy. 26.To become spiritually healthy. 27.To believe they will not grunt forever. 28.To make a big deal out of God. 29.To keep her promise. 30.To wait on them hand and foot . . . when they are sick. 31.To tell them to buy another token and keep swinging. 32.To pray them home and for the will of God. 33.To be a “groovy” mom. 34.To teach them how to know the voice of God. 35.To believe in their strengths and speak life into their gifts. 36.To make a home where grace lives. 37.To throw down the “MOM card.” 38.To tell them what she’d do differently. 39.To make a big deal out of grandparents and extended family. 40.To teach them how to keep their money straight, in order, facing the same direction. 41.To be patient about things like thumb-sucking and pacifiers. 42.To let them make really dumb mistakes without condemnation. 43.To introduce them to her friend named Jesus. 44.To set the tone for the family. 45.To teach them to genuinely respect all people, cultures, denominations and creeds. 46.To teach the boys how to love a wife. 47.To teach the girls how to love a husband. 48.To identify the characteristics of a fool and tell them what to do when they meet one. 49.To train them to listen to her. 50.To teach them not to be easily offended. 51.To live as single moms with amazing lives. 52.To teach them a gracious and generous hospitality. One more...from their biggest cheerleader...and their momma and their friend...but momma comes first!!!!!