Monday, May 16, 2016

I pray He never stops speaking to me....

God is real...some of you know that...some of you wonder...and some of you just blame think that is a crazy dream made up by those who need to live in a fantasy world...but I know He is see...without Him...I wouldn't be here...I'm not talking about Him creating me and giving me life (which He did!)...I'm talking about when I was at my lowest to date...He raised me head and eyes to Him...He sustained me when I thought there was no hope...and nothing left to sustain...when you might ask, did this happen...years ago...the past few months and all the times in between...Oh some of those times were much worse than others...but I need Him...I need Him to help me out of face a very scary world...He has done and continues to do more for me than I could ever hope and certainly more than I deserve!

I've know I've been in a foggy place for a while now...yesterday...God reached deep into that fog...He spoke to me as clearly as if His audible voice whispered in my ear...He reminded me...this time I have put myself in a cage of my own making...don't get me wrong...that is not always the case...sometimes life is hard b/c of illness...or b/c of result of someone else's actions or choices...but this time...I've done this...and He has promises throughout His word for ways out of these struggles when these times arise in our I walk in His freedom or my own imprisonment that I've created...

I've struggled with my hip for the last few years...Scott can pull on my leg and it will help but the answer...every to make an appointment and go to see my chiropractor..and sometimes  is is quite painful for her to get things back to where they need to be...Yesterday God used even that silly illustration in my life...I want a quick fix to my problems and hurts...but I need to simply go to may be painful...but in the end...He heals...

This was said in church yesterday...I'm I guilty of do things FOR God but not spending time WITH God? Have I started following from a distance...that's human nature isn't it? If we are afraid of being hurt or if we are weary...we begin to lag back...following still...but from a distance...pain is real...but then I think of those in other places...who have gaping wounds or who have lost their lives because they choose to follow Jesus...then I think think of Christ...and what it cost that I could follow Him...yes it's true pain is real...yes it hurts...whether it is physical...emotional or both but He Is Worth It!

There is a freedom that is unexplainable for those of us who call ourselves Christ I want out of this cage I've created myself...I need Him to help me to overcome somethings...but again...He reminded me...He is everything I need and He has supplied everything I need...

I want my husband to fix it...but he can't, I want to fix it myself...and honestly I can't either...I can't ask my pastor to...or my church family to...I can only fall before the and obey...and allow Him to do a great and mighty work that gives me freedom and Him glory...

I can ask however, for prayers...they would be much appreciated...I would share the specific struggles...but really does it matter...I have have yours...and He desires to be glorified through the healing process...

Psalm 32:7-10 take time to read it today...

Thankful for His love...