Monday, February 20, 2012

Oh the lessons kids will teach us....

This weekend has been a bit crazy! We took our students to the Rock and Worship Roadshow in was amazing! The longest concert we've ever witnessed! 4 hours long....needless to say...with a late night and just a bit of some van troubles we didn't get home until about 3 a.m....then I wanted to spend the day alone...trying on some clothes just to see if I can really wear a smaller size...and yep I can! Not sharing just yet but smaller so I was excited...think I'll wait a little longer before I start the purchases though!

Saturday night our twin grandkiddos spent the night with us while their momma and daddy had a much needed date! We had as much fun as two...old and VERY tired poppy and grammy's could have with them...they helped me cook dinner...watched a movie with poppy and ate popsicles!

Sunday morning...OH my...I forgot what it was like to get two little ones ready for church by myself...(was a little late)...anyway...the lesson I learned...the kids were in the tub playing while I fixed my hair...and Caleb thru water in Rylee's face...Rylee HATES water in her she was crying and I said be sweet to each other and don't do that anymore...and then...I hear her sweet little voice....say ever so...Rylee...."how you like THAT!!!!!" yep you guessed it...she got even...I got tickled and then I thought...oh that is so us...isn't it...don't we want to say...there how do YOU like that...we so want people to feel the pain and or fear they've caused hurt the way we hurt...after all it's only fair right?

But God doesn't desire that from us....Exodus 14:14 says..."the Lord will fight for need only to be still"...

If only we could learn this...or learn to trust this truth...He so desires to be our biggest hero...and yet we think we can defend ourselves or our loved ones better ourselves...

Oh Lord my I be found...being still and KNOWING you are God...

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