Monday, April 16, 2012

blah monday

I am in quite the funk today...I am up at least 4 pounds today from last I'm a little on the discouraged side and I don't feel well today either so yuck...

But the Lord is continuing to speak to me about this issue and I'm learning each day to take it at just that one day at a time and so I will move forward...finding scriptures that give me hope and assurance that I can do ALL things thru Christ...even lose weight!

I only have 5 weeks left until I will be going to Jacksonville for the birth of our 6th grandbaby (granddaughter #2!!!!). I'm very excited but also thinking of all the things I need to get done before that week arrives...and I cannot procrastinate this time because our sweet Laney Kate just may decide to come early and if so Grammy will be leaving earlier than 5 weeks...

I got to spend the last weekend with Heather and Katie at a woman's retreat and a few others from Buffalo Creek Baptist Church...namely Melody Morris who I enjoyed so much! I was thankful for a chance to step away for the weekend and to spend some time with my girls...

Well..due to the fact that I really don't feel well..I'm wordless so I don't have anything else...please pray for the ability to lose this weight...

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