Friday, January 8, 2016

Happy Birthday Cas!

Another year has come and just keeps going doesn't it!?!? I know I always say it but it's true...I can close my eyes and see you with your baby doll...loving it and momma-ing it because you have always been a momma...I'm sorry for that...and thankful for it too because you have had lots of practice and now are...according to Camden Isaiah...are pretty much the best mom in the whole wide world!

I pray today you feel enjoy your classroom...your teammates appreciate you a little extra know you are all of us who are honored to call you ours! But more than that I pray you know how much God loves you today...just a fresh reminder that you are a child of the One True King...a precious person to Him who is held when you feel alone...who He finds joy in...and who He has equipped for such a time as this!

I love you...have a blessed day...and have a GREAT date night tonight with that boy that stole your heart so many years ago!


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