Saturday, June 23, 2018

Happy birthday Michael!

This has been an amazing've been a dad for an entire year now...I remember watching you as a little boy/young man...and I knew then what a great husband and father you'd be! You've proven me right about the husband thing! I see the way Beks looks at you and I know you love her well...

Now, Charli Grace is here and oh my word the daddy you've  become...I know you love her will protect her with your very will teach her about Jesus...and I've seen you eat a few words...(like we all do when we become parents)...but I've also watched you work very hard to earn the love of another little lady...

Miss Rory came to you hurt, scared and needing some healthy loving...she was so afraid of you at first...and the pain I saw in your eyes hurt my heart...but I've watched you work slow and steady...with consistency you won the heart over of another little lady...she adores you as much as Charli does and you have proven me right once are an amazing dad! I happen to think you had a pretty awesome example to follow!

I also want to say an extra thanks for  being there for me this week...for the hard work...but even the small things like pulling the hose to the garden so I wouldn't have to!

I hope you day is blessed full of giggles and laughs with your ladies! I love you more than you will ever know!



Unknown said...

<3 That's about all I can add Lori. I know you love your girls to the moon and back...but there really is something extra special about a mom and son. BUT, although I never got the Blessing of personal experience, I equally think there is an extraordinary bond between a dad and daughter. You and Scott have the Very Best of both bonds!!!

Unknown said...
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