Monday, January 7, 2019

Cassie Diane...

This beautiful girl is my first born! She is the first one I had to learn with or practice on...I did a not so good of a job most of her life...Jesus helped us...and I got better...

She was always be grown be the responsible do the right thing...and for the most part she did...but during that time she lost a bit of her childhood a long the way...something I, as her mom, took from her...something I wish I could give back to her...but again...I can't...and Jesus provided us with a first hand...witnessed with our own eyes...merciful...miracle!!!!

That history, however, formed who she is...and bondage's in her own life she would in time learn to break free from...she learned, due to the pressure I attempt to be everything to be what and who people expected her to be...and that is something we cannot do or be...we cannot be other's source of joy...not even our own spouses...she also learned from her stew and fret...especially if someone is not happy with her...

However, God gave her grace, salvation...Jesse Ball...who helps to balance teach her it's okay to needs the laughter too!!! God also gave her 4 precious turn she has learned somethings that are very important earlier that her momma did...she has learned over the embrace Jesse's ability to laugh even when life is hard...she has learned to cherished those hard...looooonnnng early years with her children...she has learned to give them individual time once in a while...she has learned to understand she must please God...then her ye first the kingdom of God...and His righteousness...and all these things will be added unto you...

This last year or so, she has gone back to school for her masters...and it's been hard on her...I've heard her say more than once she doesn't think she is doing good in any area...

Well my are doing amazing!!!! You've managed to keep up your school work...your family...introduced to jr high sports and activities...loved Jess well...and those kiddos...

So, your special day is here...know just how truly loved you are...know that dad and I are always your biggest fans...that Jesse still looks at you like he did in your prom dress...that was the instant I knew...he was crazy about you!!!...your kiddos know they are blessed to call you mom...heck you gave them a dog this year!!!!

Start all your days in prayer...end your day laying your head down on your pillow knowing you lived your life to the very best of your ability for HIM that day...and then you will matter was a good day...

I love you so very much...thank you for being you...for growing into my friend...for loving Jesus and Jess...for giving us those crazy Ball kids...

Happy birthday sweet girl...

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