Friday, June 23, 2023

Happy birthday!

 Michael happy birthday today!!! Boy if we had only known the loss the last year would hold for us...but I want to say thanks...for being patient with me through it all...

I was thinking the other day...when I saw your pictures on facebook of your get away trip with one can make you smile like she can...I'm so thankful for the life you and her are building together...I remember the days of littles everywhere...and I promise those days can be forever long but the years will pass like a blink!!! I say all that to say...when they are grown...and it's just you and Bekah...well...that part of life is good too!!!

I pray this year brings you so much joy and happiness...I pray you grow even stronger in the Lord...I pray you find your forever land...I pray you know just how loved you are! I pray you continue to be the hero to your 4 littles...and that you love Beks well...

I'm thankful to call you my son. I so proud of you and all your accomplishments! Have a blessed day today!



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