Wednesday, March 11, 2015

what a week it has been!!!! has been an overwhelming week! God has and continues to teach me so much through it grace, mercy and His word! I almost back out of the ladies conference because my emotions were still so raw and fresh...but I went and I am so glad I did...had a GREAT time with my sweet sisters in Christ...experienced some amazing worship, and heard the Word proclaimed...God continued to He ALWAYS does if we will just be willing to listen!...

He continues to remind me and teach me that He has to be first in my life...even above Scott and the I have my things I'm thankful for...but this list is about my husband who is in India for the next 2 weeks...however, the list starts with my #1...

1. Jesus
2. Scott loves Jesus with an all consuming passion
3. Scott loves me no doubts...don't understand it...
4. He is the best dad (in my opinion) in the world!
5. He is an amazing poppy to the six sweet little ones we call our own...
6. He has and does work so very hard (truth be told, too hard) to provide for us
7. I'm thankful we are able to serve teens side by side...and when that time ends...I know that we will STILL have a heart and a connection with them.
8. Thankful Scott is a man who was able to love his dad and have an amazing relationship with him...I know that relationship helped form the man I love today...
9. He is so stinkin funny!
10. he loves laughter
11. he has a joy...and it is contagious
12. I love his hairy of the first things I was attracted too...the back is another story!
13. I love to watch him get wound up as he is teaching
14. I love how he sang to Harold during those last few hours
15. I love how he shared on Willie's first Sunday in heaven about how everyone said what a good man Willie was...and he WAS...but Scott went on to share that his dad was in heaven NOT because he was a good man but because he had a relationship with Jesus Christ...even in his pain...sharing truth..
16. how he holds me in his arms...this side of heaven...that is the place I feel the safest...
17. the way he love his brothers and sisters...pray our kids will have that too...always and forever
18. the way he is on the edge of his seat as Steve and Patti share what God is doing on their side of the world
19. I absolutely love to see him worship...
20. His example he lives out in every one else on earth knows him like me...and whether you like him or not...he is the real get what you see...
21. even though they are long sometimes...I love to hear him much passion
22. I love our evening swims
23. I love his silly texts (goofy!)
24. I love to dance with him in our living room
25. I love the way he makes our church...louder....

I am blessed...I have a Savior...who has saved me...and blessed me with my best friend...pray for him over the next 2 weeks please...

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