Monday, June 3, 2013

God gives good things...

What a week of emotions! We are not done yet...but we have come up for air for just a little bit! When we lose people we love we are reminded again of 2 things I short life is...and how much we take one another for granted if we don't be careful!

This week we lost my father in law...a man who has spent his life...serving the Lord and serving others...first and foremost his family...but in the middle of our grief God gave a special day of celebration as another family starts their new and fresh. Michael finally got his girl!

I've been looking thru their wedding pictures this morning and came across this one and I am still amazing that God trusted me to be their momma!

They all are a blessing to my a group...but then, as individuals, who have a place that only that ONE can fill...I think at times each one of them has felt maybe they didn't fit...some because of birth order, some because of distance...some because they didn't add up to what they thought they were suppose to be...and yet as I stare at this picture and would I be able to take a breath in the morning if one of them was not each have your dynamic you bring to what makes! Cassie brings the hand on the shoulder that attempts to steady us all...not that she can because that only comes from the Lord...but she tries...I remember last year when she was still in FL and Heather lost her father in law...the hardest thing for Cassie was that she couldn't be her to touch help her feel steady...but I know her hands couldn't touch her sister then...but I KNOW her knees hit the floor for her sister and she took the needs to the ONE who steadies us all! Heather brings the (first) strong will to our family...and though she didn't show it daily...she did have that...and now I see what a blessing that is! You see when you are strong one can change your you grow into adulthood...when you begin to grasp what you believe...and what is truly important in life...that strong will is your life line...she has taught me that...I think she has even shown me how to have my own strong will...she is the anchor when trials come...Michael brings laughter...which is good...but you have to remember when he was little his momma didn't know how to laugh...he has taught us all to laugh...and at times still drives us bananas...but we always know it's because he loves to laugh...and he thinks...come one's funny...(girls can't you just hear him...) "that's funny!"...and now we get to see him with laughter as his wife begins life with him...and Katie...Heather said it best years ago when she said...Katie is her 6th grade hero...Katie brings faith from the cradle to us...mind you we all have our faith now...but none (I think they would all agree) of us have had the faith she has had from almost her first breath...the greatest blessing of all of this is...God made them the way they are...each one of pushed at times against HIS hands but each has yielded their lives to Him and are allowing Him to form them in to the men and the women they continue to become...they have each taken a life partner that is allowing the Lord to work in their lives as well...making families that are strong and faithful...and that my friends is what life is all about...

and IF you don't believe me...join us tomorrow for Poppas goodbye...because I have no doubt in my mind that you will walk away from that church tomorrow knowing a man who left a legacy behind...a man who yielded to the Lord...loved his family and is with his Jesus right now...I know that each one of our family was emotional yesterday at church because we were overwhelmed with the thought that Willie was worshiping Jesus face to face on his first Sabbath in heaven...

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