Saturday, June 1, 2013


The day has finally arrived! I'm so happy for you...I've watched you for many years...with your skills as a craftsman and your ability to make a yard look so amazing and thought in that aspect you would make such a great husband...but it goes beyond that...I see a man who has learned to love his Lord with a gentle and quiet spirit and yet with great passion...because I live with a man like that...I know there is nothing greater than to have a husband like that!

I have so many things I wish I could do know that...I've said it more than I really should have...but I'm so thankful for your forgiveness...and two times in particular you gently have shown me you truly have forgiven...when you sang my song you wrote me...and when you came and got me last year during the youth led service and prayed with me...God allowed me to experience those 2 times with you and they are forever etched in my mind! I know we have both had our struggles with issues in our lives...and I also know that all sin is level at the foot of the cross...but as humans we think one is worse than and I understand forgiveness in it's most grace filled form!

I can't wait to see the look on your face when those doors open today and your bride walks into your arms...I'm so proud of you...and as much as I wish we could both change some choices...I truly wouldn't change anything because God used that to make Himself real to us...and to lavish us with grace and to teach us what redemption looks like...

Happy, happy wedding day...I love you and wish a lifetime of happiness with the Beks!


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