Sunday, June 23, 2013


This year has been a whirlwind of change and newness and the beginning of living the rest of your life! I have the honor of stepping back as the woman in his life and the one the Lord has for him to share life with has stepped in! (I always thought that would be hard, but when the right one comes it is the natural thing and easiest thing to do!) She is an amazing young lady who loves Jesus more than she loves Michael and that will be the key to their success in life together.

You walk different, you look different, you act different...everything about you is different this year. I've never got to witness this side of love with one of my is different with the girls because they fulfill the wife side of the that is also my role so I see the submission side...the caregiver side...but now I've seen the side the man goes through...of preparing to lead a home, a wife and in the future a family. It is evident God is doing a great thing in your life and in your new beginning with Beks!

I say it every year but I'm so proud and honored to be your momma! I love you because you are mine...but I love you because you:
Are tenderhearted to a fault
You laugh so hard with your nephews and nieces
I see more and more of your dad in you all the time
You aggravate your sisters still like crazy but I know your would be their greatest defender still!
You are getting ready for babies of your own and it is evident!
You act "tough" at church with the kids but they all LOVE you so you must do something right!
You love your momma and I know it!
You love Beks and we all see it (yes in your eyes)...every time she walks in the room!

Praying a extra special birthday blessing over you today! I love you Michael Scott!



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